Listening to your Androgynous Wisdom 8.23

Listening to your Androgynous Wisdom 8.23


This online 40 minute audio was recorded on August 21, 2023 and is for those who feel, and want to access, the parts of themselves who are beyond, or blending the binary of masculine and feminine gender expression and roles.


Gender norms are cultural. This 40 minute online circle is for those who feel, and want to access, the parts of themselves who are beyond, or blending the binary of masculine and feminine gender expression and roles.

Whether you feel the two energies clearly within you, or you want to activate/explore your fluidity between…in this circle we will ask these parts to speak up for themselves so we can access all of our strengths and intuitive abilities.

Androgyny can manifest in many ways. Your balanced/beyond the binary energies are needed and sacred.

We approach this subject from an Animist perspective. All is connected and we are a sacred thread in the Web of Life. This is a big topic, well grounded in ancient culture and anthropological study. If you are interested in deepening your relationship with ALL of you, come join in and we’ll explore!

Quynn will share some simple divination to help you listen within, and then share 10 minutes of an evocative heartbeat sound. The journeying/meditative process helps you be open to guidance and helpful messages regarding the challenges in your body, mind and spirit.

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