The Rhythm and Drum Journey

An Introduction to the Animistic Rhythm Drum/Sound Journey

To “Journey” is to consciously enter the spirit world/inner world/dreaming mind while listening to consistent rhythm ( including dancing or singing). This process allows us to access the realms that are generally available to little children, our dreamstate, and as we prepare to pass from this life.  The “simple” act of focusing inward, and listening for those that are already waiting for you, is like coming Home.  These inner teachers, healers, guides and guardians have been with you since before you were born.  All the world’s Native traditions, including your own, tell us so. We have animals, ancestors, angels, and wise ones who want to help us heal old wounds, and activate our authentic self.

This worldview, and this ancient practice, is available to YOU, and the process of journeying into the realms of Spirit and Ancestors can help you tune into your own wisdom, and remember that you are not alone in this world.    Your soul wounds, from this life and beyond, are able to be tended/soothed/healed by the tools that shamanic practitioners of all lands use.  The drum and the rattle.  Focused intention and attention.  These ingredients create a blend that is unique and helpful to you, forever more.

“We must close our eyes and invoke a new manner of seeing…a wakefulness that is the birthright of us all, though few put it to use.” Plotinus

Journey Practice offered by Cody

These practices are not dead. They are very much alive within you. They are “indigenous” to you.  When your Soul can no longer stand to be in the box you put it in for your very survival, you can then ask your Soul what it needs to move forward in peace, and be a positive force in the world.

The rhythm and drum journey can bring you connection and guidance when you need them most.

Journeying helps you find missing pieces of yourself. You can find that which you need, and desperately long for, whatever that may be.

A Journeyer

Here is a playlist of videos Quynn created over the years about journeying, and journey circles. Please note, some may still refer to “shamanic” journeying, as they were recorded before Quynn stopped using that word.  Take what works, leave the rest. 

Go to our YOUniversity for options to explore this amazing practice in live and pre-precorded circles, workshops and courses.

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