Upcoming Labyrinth Walk Dates: (see Tucson location and dates at Event Calendar)
The act of walking a labyrinth is meditative and centering. They are considered portals and sacred space. When one enters the Labyrinth one enters a portal between worlds, each bend, back and forth, turns the walker inward. The Center of the Labyrinth is a special place, yet holds personal meaning to each walker. People can leave their worries or wishes in the center, and return to the world with new insights.

Learn more about Labyrinths (different than mazes) HERE.
The labyrinth is found in many places around the planet for many thousands of years. The twists and turns (with no dead ends!) come in many patterns and shapes, and are many thousands of years old. The Labyrinth tradition is alive and well in our world!

I have been to Web of Life’s Labyrinth many times. Watching the full moon come up over the horizon while you’re setting intentions is so peaceful.

Web of Life began hosting Labyrinth Walks in 2006. Since then we have created many labyrinths at locations and events around the western United States, including Tucson, Arizona, the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and as far north as Washington state.

Labyrinths can be created from anything, and we have made them with Tempera paint, colored rope, stone and Ponderosa Pine cones. :) Locations for past temporary labyrinths have been parks, plateaus, dry lake bottoms, beaches, sand dunes, and a high rise parking garage.

Web of Life understands the power of community rituals and they are deeply needed now as we weave our way into the life that is in front of us. During Covid times and beyond, this important community gathering has provided a nourishing experience for all involved. We look forward to walking with you!

Hawko Reed (also known as Jacob) is the official Web of Life Labyrinth maker.
His specialty is the 7 circuit Cretan Labyrinth (round and squared) and has been creating labyrinths since 2006. He says his life is a labyrinth and he is pleased to be able to create them physically for others to walk and experience.

Creating a Labyrinth, and hosting a Labyrinth Walk, are sacred, uplifting and enjoyable experiences. To collaborate with, and/or hire us, for a permanent or temporary labyrinth creation, or to host a Labyrinth walk for your special occasion, contact us!
I attended the first in person walk after the pandemic. I was happy to be with other people walking the labyrinth but also had the grief and weight of the past year on me. Before in labyrinths, I had been happy and light. This time I felt beaten down by the past year. The fear we have struggled with for over a year was still there. The feeling of “what if I have the virus but don’t know it and kill someone!” that has been fearfully beaten into us for over a year still lingered, although I felt safe. When I went into the labyrinth, I walked head down feeling beaten and bruised with the events of pandemic, election, polarity, and hate crimes. After I returned from the center of the labyrinth, I danced and felt lighter and happier and freer, the state of being I want to bring in now. It was very powerful.
This is the blessing I got ‘May you be surrounded in BLISSSS’
A reflection from our friend Nanette
Love the Earth! Love the Labyrinth! We all Belong in the Sacred Web of Life!