Spirituality in Action

We are remembering and reimagining our Animist spirituality
for the health of our present and future generations.

Web of Life Animist Church has been nurtured by the lands known as “Oregon” and “Arizona,” lands taken from Native peoples who have lived there for thousands of years. We honor the Tohono & Akimel O’odham, Multnomah, Clackamas, Chinook, and Pascua Yaqui Peoples. Web of Life hosts circles and trainings for people in many locations where land has been stolen, and we acknowledge all Indigenous and displaced Peoples of this continent and beyond.

Animism in its many variations describes the life ways and cosmologies of humans worldwide, particularly before the current era’s rise of patriarchy, colonialism and monotheistic religions. We honor the diverse practices and rituals of various Animist cultures, and the foundational threads of spiritual perspectives that are similar. 

We know that humans are a part of “nature” and all humans are equal members of the web of all life. We also believe all beings, including animals, plants, “inanimate” objects, weather phenomena, air, water, fire and the Earth entity as a whole, possess a living essence, making us all equal strands in the sacred web of life. Unlike some views that regard non-human entities as mere objects, Animists recognize the living essence in all.