Event Agreements and Grievance Policy


We are glad you are here! Before you rsvp and attend an event hosted by Web of Life Animists- We ask you to read our Agreements and Grievance Policy. By attending any Web of Life event, it means that you have read and agree to our Agreements and Grievance Policy. See below:

Web of Life Animists- Event Agreements and Grievance Policy

Purpose: Web of Life Animists has posted evolving versions of the following event agreements since 2008 for when we gather in community. Web of Life offers trainings, circles, workshops, sessions, labyrinth walks, ceremonies, community clinics, or markets (known as “events”). Web of Life hosts both “in person” and “online” events. 

The Web of Life Grievance Policy (see below) is enacted by Web of Life’s Grievance Panel when needed. Web of Life is committed to navigating conflict in our community with a “calling in” approach rather than “calling out” or “casting out”, while acknowledging that Web of Life church, our path and facilitators may not be for everyone, and we may not find agreement.

Web of Life Animists Event Agreements
If you attend a Web of Life event, it means that you have read this document and agree with the following:

  1. An event is any gathering hosted by Earth Web Media’s Web of Life Animists, no matter the venue (inside, outside, online).
  2. By attending an event it means you agree to fully release and hold harmless Earth Web Media’s Web of Life Animist church and the event facilitator from and against any claims or liability arising out of your attendance. Each person takes care of themselves, and agrees to that responsibility.
  3. At no time is violence, derogatory language or aggression (in the physical or virtual worlds) tolerated by any participants of an event. It is also important for each person to express their personal agency to enact their boundaries if someone’s energy or actions are uncomfortable.  The event facilitator agrees to hold the space in a kind and protective manner, to the best of their ability. The event facilitator is empowered to remove any event participant when they feel it is needed for the wellbeing of the group. Whether to remove or not is the decision of the event facilitator. You can leave if you feel uncomfortable.
  4. If an issue does occur during the event, we ask that you bring up the issue during or after the event with the facilitator. You can also gather your thoughts and reach out to the facilitator later by email. See the Web of Life Grievance Steps below.
  5. By attending an event, all participants agree that confidentiality is important, so what is shared in group, stays in group and also in a 1:1 personal session with a Web of Life Minister or Pastoral Counselor. A situation may arise, however, when it may be necessary for the event facilitator to share certain information with others: 1) When the event facilitator is uncertain how to address a particular problem and needs to seek advice from another Minister, Pastoral Counselor or Director of the church. 2) When someone says that they are harming someone else, want to harm themselves, or someone else may be harmed unless others intervene.

Did something happen at a Web of Life event that feels bad? Grievance Steps:

  1. Speak/write to the event facilitator about your issue as soon as possible, through email, voice message or in person. Specify the event, those involved, date/dates of the event, and relevant details. The event facilitator will do what they can to resolve the situation.
  2. If resolution is not found with the event facilitator, the grievance will be submitted in writing to the VP of the BOD, if neutral in the particular situation, (If not, then the President or Secretary of BOD) to decide if the issue warrants being referred to the Web of Life Grievance Panel for deliberation. If so, the panel is composed of three Web of Life Board of Directors, Ministers or Pastoral Counselors with neutrality in the particular situation, who agree to sit on the panel for the situation. If not, they decide the course of action.
  3. Grievances will be held confidential within the scope of the Web of Life Event Agreements (#5 above).
  4. When the matter of the grievance is addressed, the decision of the VP/BOD member or Grievance Panel is final, and Earth Web Media’s Web of Life church or the event facilitator will not be held liable for resolutions with which you disagree.
  5. If the BOD member or Grievance Panel decides it is needed, any remaining dispute may be addressed with mediation, or settled by legally binding arbitration, depending on the situation. Web of Life church BOD will decide if this is necessary, and whether to offer compensation for this service on a case by case basis.

Thank you for being a part of Web of Life Animists, and we hope your experience is nourishing within this community!