Crazy Witch Honoring-Interactive Ceremony in Tucson

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Crazy Witch Honoring-Interactive Ceremony in Tucson

July 30, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

**Have you, or an ancestor, been called “Crazy” and/or “Witch”?**

For many generations the words “crazy” and “witch” were/are used against Earth honoring People (mostly women) as weapons of control and persecution. So many of us have ancestral soul wounds and fear related to these words, and the very real abilities that scare(d) people so much. At this current time, control and persecution are stronger than ever.

Now is the time to collectively tend our ancestral and past life lines by honoring and extending love to our Ancestresses. While it is true, the pain is deep and ongoing, the love we extend to our Ancestresses lets them know we stand in solidarity.

For this experience, while Covid is still among us, when you arrive you will move through different stations receiving gentle energies (drum and rattle clearing, Reiki and energy healing, singing bowl and crystal infusion, stones, flower essence water and candle prayer reclamation station for the fire and water used against witches in the past). All are gentle opportunities to honor your “crazy witch” inside you, and in your ancestry.

**There isn’t a set start time for this event. You are welcome to move through the stations when you arrive between 6:00 and 7:45 pm. The last entrance to the stations will be at 7:45. Please feel free to wear ceremonial clothing and/or bring ceremonial tools to help you connect with your sacred ancestry.**

Please note that we are not therapists or counselors. We hold space so that each participant can receive and extend healing love for their self and ancestors. We will be in a long indoor room. Since Covid is still with us, your hosts are Covid cautious. Wear a mask if you feel called to do so. Distance will be kept.

Donations are accepted but not required.


July 30, 2022
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Event Category:


326 S Wilmot Rd
326 S Wilmot Rd
Tucson, AZ 85711 United States