There are two ways to receive the entry link to join an online circle.
1) Scroll to the bottom of the event you want to attend, and purchase a ticket. The link is in the confirmation email.
1) Scroll down past the description and look for “Details” and then “Website”. Click on the link to our group in to rsvp there. Once you rsvp, you will see the entry link.

Deepening your Drumming/Rattling for Journeying-in Tucson
February 20 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Do you have a drum or rattle that wants to be played? Do you want to enhance your ability to drum consistently for longer periods of time so you can feel entranced and expand your consciousness? If so, please join me for this circle.
Whether your drum/rattle is an old and trusted friend, or you are beginning your relationship, come and connect more deeply with this spiritual helper.
If your drum is new to you, do not be nervous about how well you play your drum in this circle. The only way to get more comfortable is to play.
Each person will have private time and space with your instrument, to explore its sounds, as well as, at the end of the circle, a no pressure opportunity to make rhythm with Quynn as a group.
This circle is offered by requested donation of $10-$30
Cash and Digital options for donation.
Your guide is Quynn Red Mountain, Spirit Bridge and drummer. Drums and Rattles have led Q to many important teachings!