Earth and Sky People Congress-Love Songs

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Earth and Sky People Congress-Love Songs

February 4, 2019 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

We Humans are being asked to be open to connecting with energies from the “Stars”.

A message that came through to Quynn was “You need help. We want to help you, but you must be open, direct your energy, and ask. We love you so. We are one.”

Join us as a group as we create a sacred circle and, while listening to the shamanic drumbeat, we will activate our crystalline nature to prepare for messages from wise and benevolent guides of other realms. We will share our tones and voices as a combined “love song” to offer to the stars.

If called, please bring your open heart and uncluttered mind. Whether you have experienced a ‘shamanic journey’ before, we need people in this circle who listen to the Realms, and who are comfortable with their own ‘quiet mind’.

This circle is offered for the sliding scale of $5-$20 but all are welcome. If you can offer more than $5 so someone else can attend, we thank you very much!


February 4, 2019
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


Web of Life Animist church
2016 E Broadway Blvd.
Tucson, az 85719 us


Web of Life Animists