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- This event has passed.
Passing into Wholeness-A DNA Healing Workshop-In person and Online
December 13, 2018 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Are you hesitant to Come Out spiritually, or in some other way? Do you feel nervous about being and sharing fully who you are? Do you (or a part of you) think you need to hide or go along with the larger culture to be safe?
In every culture, throughout time, stressful situations have caused people to do things that they would not normally do, or otherwise choose to do, to survive. These choices become embedded in their DNA, and the remnants are passed down into our DNA, memories, and behaviors. In this shamanic circle we will focus on one form of behavorial survival, our own… as well as our ancestor’s… that may be holding us back from our full potential NOW. This behavior is often called “Passing”.
Passing- Passing is the ability of a person to be regarded as a member of social groups other than his or her own, such as a different race, ethnicity, social class, gender, sexual orientation, intelligence, spiritual/religious identity and/or disability status, generally with the purpose of gaining social acceptance or to avoid persecution/retaliation. (
This is not an easy subject to ponder. Many of our ancestors needed to “pass” in one way or another, and because they did, we are here today. We can honor their choices, and break the bonds of fear and hiding. Looking at this behavior and how we too may manifest it, may bring up many kinds of feelings, yet as we can lovingly accept our past reasons for “passing”, and honestly come to terms with how and why we still do “pass”, we can live more fully as our whole self.
This circle uses the shamanic journey, journal writing and sharing our stories (to whatever degree each participant wants to share) to explore the ways in which we “pass”, and our family members have passed in the past. The purpose is not to beat ourselves up, or to necessarily drop this behavior immediately in a way that will cause ourselves social harm. The purpose of this circle is to honor our ancestor’s choices, and to learn more about our true self NOW, in a safe environment of like minded people. What is spoken and shared in circle stays in circle. Privacy is agreed for all participants.
This circle is open to people with all levels of shamanic journeying experience.
Requested donation is sliding scale $12-$24 depending on income. Donations support ISA , and Earth Web Media’s programs.
Online registration here
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Created and Hosted by Quynn Red Mountain OOlah, Founder of ISA and Animist Minister of EWM.