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Spirit Bridge Training for Queer Intuitives-Healing Practitioner Online Program
May 14, 2022 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

#### ***Spirit Bridge* Training for Queer Intuitives-Become a Healing Practitioner***
#### ***The next 1 year ONLINE training begins Saturday, May 14, 2022***
**We meet the 2nd and 4th Saturdays 10am-12pm MST through April, 2023**
*Spirit Bridges utilize their Intuition, Divination skills, Journeying within one’s dreaming mind or “spirit world”, and Connecting with Nature Kin and Allies through meditation, trance, rhythmic sound and intention. Spirit Bridges tune in for beneficial information, needed messages and helpful actions on behalf of self, and members of their community. This is a sacred gift, and a vocation.
**In [Animist]( (Earth honoring) cultures, LGBTQIA+/Queer People are a necessary part of Animist communities.** Humans are multifaceted, and our Gender, Sexuality and Queer-ness can be expressed in an infinite number of ways. There have always been special roles and duties for those of the blended spirit, including Spirit Workers for the community.
**To be a strong and flexible Spirit Worker/Spirit Bridge, One needs help with:**
-Strengthening relationships with non-binary Ancestors and Allies
-Feeling Included in the Family of the Web of Life
-Expanding groundedness in one’s Queer/Transgender/Gender Fluid Soul
-Healing/Tending Wounds from One’s Past and Queer Ancestry
-Exploring your Intuitive Abilities as a They/Beyond Binary/Trans Human Being
-Expanding Confidence in You as a Healer, Diviner and Intuitive Guide
-Listening to Spirit World teachings regarding One’s purpose as a Bridge Between Worlds
-Creating a growing and deepening network of Queer Intuitives who have growing practices that serve Queer communities
**During our year together we will explore and practice:**
1. Reconnecting with your Intuitive Self within the beautiful and power-filled Web of Life
2. Listening to inner guidance and building trust with internal Guides
3. Understanding your unique ways of intuitive perception in person and by distance
4. Spirit World Journey, Rhythmic Trance (drum and rattle), Holding Space, and Divination skills in your own unique ways
5. Bringing light to shadow places within self and one’s ancestry, and holding space for other’s shadows
6. Learning trauma-informed ways to share messages and energy with another person as a practitioner
7. Tools and techniques for clearing, grounding, blessing and releasing for Self and Others
8. Ethics and Best Practices related to Spirit Bridge issues of Privacy, Consent, Internalized White & Light Supremacy, Multi-generational Soul Wounds, Power Dynamics, Personal Healing and Gender Awareness Language.
9. Learning and internalizing the depth of Queer wisdom throughout Animist cultures
10. Building the capacity for holding space for others and creating a practice of healing, connection, activism and advocacy
***Your Human Guide, and the creator of this training, is Quynn Red Mountain (aka Quin RavenSun).***
A foundation of this program is to increase our personal understanding of our Colonized Mind, in ways known and yet unknown, so that we are more able to dismantle internalized White, Monotheistic, Cis, Hetero and Male Supremacy in our personal thoughts and actions. This is not easy work, but it is essential to becoming a strong and resilient Spirit Bridge for our communities. We are needed.
**See the full description for all info, including donation info. There is a broad, accessible sliding scale with much flexibility, scholarships etc.**