WARRIOR HEART- Rhythmic Soul Retrieval Circle

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WARRIOR HEART- Rhythmic Soul Retrieval Circle

September 29, 2018 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

$8 – $20

In the heart of every Warrior is a Just Cause to protect, an Adventure to live, and a Beauty to rescue.

Calling Humans of the Rainbow Tribe! Each of us who honor Nature and the ways of sacred synchronicity have ancestors of many past tribes who were killed and persecuted for who they were and what they knew to be their Truth. In order to attune ourselves to higher vibrational levels of connection with advanced species, spirit guides, and our sacred selves, we must gather our strength and reclaim our sacred Warrior within.

wisdomwarrior.com describes Warrior as “someone who has the ability and will to fight to protect themselves, friends, family, ideals, and at the same time, seeks the perfection of their own character through a life lived with honor, integrity, and an unflinching dedication to what is right according to his own code of honor which has been refined from intensive study and meditation.”

In a circle of like-minded seekers, we will use consistent rhythm to carry us through our Soul history, and our DNA, to places, times, and situations, when our inner Warrior was cut down, ridiculed and weakened. While using the journeying process, we can reclaim and retrieve our Warrior Souls, soothe their wounds and bring them back for integration in this life, for our current and future endeavors. We know how to do this. It is important for us to gather our inner strength, wisdom, bravery and sacred action for the life that is waiting for us.

All are welcome, even if you have little or no ‘ journeying’ experience. You will need an open mind and a brave heart , which you already have to share. Join us.

Bring a rattle if you have one. We have some to share. Also bring a stone or crystal that can hold your returning Warriors while you integrate them.

Donation $8-$20 requested. no one turned away.

Online and in tucson. Online Registration here

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Your guide is Quynn Red Mountain. Shamanic Practitioner, founder of ISA, and Spiritural Warrior- always seeking to reach new levels of personal bravery to do what needs to be done.

“When graceful Warrior qualities such as clear awareness, commitment, courage and integrity are clearly grounded in individual behavior… good leadership follows.


September 29, 2018
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
$8 – $20
Event Categories:


quynn Red Mountain


Web of Life Animist church
2016 E Broadway Blvd.
Tucson, az 85719 us
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