Archives: Events

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1) Scroll to the bottom of the event you want to attend, and purchase a ticket. The link is in the confirmation email.

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Weaving a New Web- Personal Sessions with Quynn

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Is it time for a new web to be woven by you and your helpers? We are beginning the new astrological year, so it is a good time to begin a balanced web weaving adventure! these sessions will take place in our backyard, under shade, in a healing space created by Quynn. OOlah is the […]

Animist Open House-Drop In Readings-Spiritual Supplies

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

You are invited to come visit Web of Life during our open house on Saturdays 12-3!Drop by and--Check out our new place (2016 E Broadway)-Ask questions about Animism or our group Web of Life Intuitive Shamanic Animists-Receive a mini oracle card reading ($10 or free with $10 purchase)-Participate in one of our monthly 1pm 1 […]

League of Lightbearers

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

This month we'll be focusing our energy on crafting precise affirmations to manifest that which we desire to experience in our reality. Calling all Light Workers: This is an invitation to rise above feelings of impotence and helplessness about the state of the world and our Individual lives. Acknowledge your internal Super Hero and join […]

Honoring Space-Drum Journey Circle

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

In this circle we will use the powers of the circle, drum and sharing to strengthen our ability to honor our sacred selves by connecting to the web of all life through the practice of the Spirit World Drum Journey. The Drum Journey- Consistent drum beats over a number of minutes alter the human brain […]

Craniosacral Sessions with Elisabeth Black

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Craniosacral work is a hands on approach that is gentle. It releases tension, trauma and pain. It is very calming and relaxing and helpful for life stresses. I am offering 45 minute long sessions at this time for a donation to Web of Life $15-$30 so that I may practice, after recently finishing training. Session […]

Your Inner Guides-An Introduction to Spirit World Journeying-Tucson/Online

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Let the Drum guide you. Ask and you shall receive. The ancient combination of consistent rhythm, a focused intention and a sense of expectancy has always aided humans in connecting with our inner worlds and the natural world around us. Every human has such abilities, and with encouragement, and a bit of instruction, it is […]

Introduction to SoulCollage(R) Series

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

This series of introductory workshops covers all aspects of making and reading SoulCollage(R) cards. It gives you an opportunity to start and build your own deck. SoulCollage(R) is an intuitive process created by Seena Frost. Using simple materials--magazine images, glue and matte board--you create a deck of collaged cards that is all about you and […]

Clearing and Protection- An Empowerment Circle in Tucson/Online

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

In this 1 hour circle, Quynn leads a guided meditation and drum journey for clearing and protection in one’s life. Sensitive People often and regularly pick up and perceive energies that are not helpful. Clear away what is not helpful and more strongly protect what is important. This is a time to look to your […]

Reiki and Energy Healing Circle-Relaxation Oasis

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

We all need some relaxation. Join us for a Reiki and Energy Healing Circle to soak up peaceful relaxation and move out emotions like anger, guilt, sadness and fear that block us from feeling calm. We welcome those that are Reiki certified and other healing modalities. *Note this is a hands-off healing circle unless you […]

Untangling The Knots Of Our Past-Personal Sessions

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Untangling the knots of our past." Sometimes we may feel as thoughsome part of ourselves is tethered somewhere and we may not be able to discern where the pull is coming from or how to smooth it out again. I believe that sometimes a part ofus that has been traumatized gets Tangled Up and imposes […]

Universal Beings-A Circle for Starseeds

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Welcome home! In this circle we will enjoy discussion, divination and a drum journey related to our experiences as Universal/Star/Dimensional Beings ! We meet twice a month, jump in anytime! Do you?-Feel like you have been dropped off on the wrong planet?-Wonder why you always feel you are different than everybody else?-Remember something else than […]

Afternoon Journey to the Inner Circle: A Sister circle experience

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

This is a circle for WOMEN only. The intention is to connect with the divine ( your higher self) for a healing and releasing. To be supported by sisters in a nonjudgmental space of sacred acceptance and love.You are cordially invited to come and share during the circle knowing you will be surrounded with compassion […]

Rabbit Power- Soul Strengthening Personal Sessions with Quynn

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

These are Personal Sessions with Quynn. To schedule, please post your desired time in the comments below. If you only RSVP and do not confirm time, you are NOT scheduled. Rabbit is our teacher today.Awareness. Speed. Agility. Embodiment. Sensory Awareness. So many strengths does Rabbit have! If you are curious, concerned, feeling deflated related to […]

Tending the Heart-Personal Sessions with Quynn

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

These are Personal Sessions with Quynn. To schedule, please post your desired time in the comments below. If you only RSVP and do not confirm time, you are NOT scheduled. The focus of these sessions is Tending the Heart. If you are feeling out of balance in your heart chakra, let's approach your issue together. […]

Phil’s Birthday Gathering at Web of Life!

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

It is Phil Cash Cash's birthday and we are celebrating!We celebrate health! Companionship and Community!We know this is spontaneous, so please join us if you can, to celebrate Life and Beauty with Phil on his birthday :) It is a full moon so we will have our meal on our backyard patio, under the sky. […]

Reiki Training

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Reiki Training-Sunflower Room

Last Tucson slot available- Listening Wind Personal Sessions

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Offering guideposts to your own Heart Wisdom. A gentle safe space. Come tell me your story. I am Debora Eagle, soon to depart from the desert. I await your story and share my treasure chest of mystical tools to re-introduce yourself to your own Heart Essence. You deserve to know the love you are. I […]

FULL MOON Luminous Labyrinth Walk

RIO VISTA NATURAL RESOURCE PARK 3974 N Tucson Blvd, Tucson, AZ, us

Tonight we celebrate the Full Moon!Our location is Rio Vista Natural Resource Park at the north end of Tucson Blvd. We gather in the grass near the parking lot. Our labyrinth is made of lights, which is laid down and picked back up afterwards, Leave No Trace! The act of walking a labyrinth is a […]

Water Blessing Ceremony Circle

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

This is a circle where those who understand both the importance of water and how water responds to healing vibration, will gather to work together.Learn to work with all the Waters in your Life, Inside & Out For anyone feeling called to honor water and counteract current toxic and damaging effects of this culture's treatment […]

Animist Open House-Drop In Readings-Spiritual Supplies

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

You are invited to come visit Web of Life during our open house on Saturdays 12-3!Drop by and--Check out our new place (2016 E Broadway)-Ask questions about Animism or our group Web of Life Intuitive Shamanic Animists-Receive a mini oracle card reading ($10 or free with $10 purchase)-Participate in one of our monthly 1pm 1 […]

Envisioning Circle with Lola Lai Jong

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

This is “..a powerful time of opportunity..bringing up all of the deeper issues..because we evolve through our emotions.”—Kaypacha (New Paradigm Astrology) “..there are still lots of transmissions occurring and even if you can’t hear them directly, you’re probably still receiving the broadcasts..astral combinations that free imagination and have power to inspire new solutions to old […]

Existence- Hare Goddess Ceremony of Renewal

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

This spring season is one of new birth and blooming. This weekend conjures images of Rabbits/Hares bringing eggs. On this night we honor Hare, and all their gifts. We ask them to help us in the ways they most especially can. Hares are classified in the same family as rabbits. They are similar in size […]

The Great Rabbit and the Sacred Egg-A Journey Circle-Online/Tucson

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

On this Sunday after the Full Moon after Spring Equinox (called Easter in the Christian tradition) Quynn hosts a journey circle in honor of the Spirit of the Great Rabbit and the Sacred Egg. First Journey: RABBITRabbit is a great teacher, and should not be discounted as a 'small' or insignificant Animal Guide. The Rabbit […]

Nature Deva-Balms for the Foot Chakra

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

This chakra is often forgotten even though it is vital to our health and well being. This is especially so as animists because it helps us communicate with the energy grids of the earth. We also release and retrieve energy with it. When blocked it can make us feel off balance, tired, leaves us open […]

Reiki with Sofia

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

I'm Sofia. I felt the call to become a Reiki practitioner a long time ago but many years of self work and healing were needed in order for me to be here today as a Usui Reiki Master. I am passionate about health physically and mentally and always driven to be of service. Yo, soy […]

WellBeing Sound Healing Circle

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Well Being, you are doing your best to stay centered in this life, great job!!!! If you feel it is time to focus on listening to your Wellbeing through the sounds of bell, activating song, rattle, crystal singing bowl and drum, come on down to Web of Life and be open to receiving what you […]

Tending the Heart-Personal Sessions with Quynn

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

These are Personal Sessions with Quynn. To schedule, please post your desired time in the comments below. If you only RSVP and do not confirm time, you are NOT scheduled. The focus of these sessions is Tending the Heart. If you are feeling out of balance in your heart chakra, let's approach your issue together. […]

Spirit Doll Divination: Finding your Story by Drumming and Drawing

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Within this circle you will choose a doll you are drawn to, from a large variety of unique dolls . The drum will lead you to hear the story your doll brings - A story to remember or create. After writing the story, you will draw an inner image - The energy of your doll, […]

Consult with a Witch – Personal Session & Custom Spellwork

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

We all need a little help and direction some times. These personal sessions aim to shed light on your particular situation along with give you tools to move forward. Each session is 50 minuets. We will spend the first part of our time together hashing out what needs attention or focus in your life. Through […]

Círculo de Bendición (Blessing Circle in Spanish)

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Nos reuniremos para conocer en que consiste un círculo sagrado y viaje chamanico. Cada participante tendrá la oportunidad de experimentar a través del sonido del tambor la magia de conectarse con él mismo y comprender que lo que necesitan está dentro de ellos mismos.En nuestro círculo sagrado también recibirás una bendición especial que estés necesitando […]

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