Web of Life Animist Church

Web of Life Animist Church, brought to you by Earth Web Media, supports our community with circles, Earth-honoring ceremonies, personal sessions, and various trainings via Zoom. Join us for in-person ceremonies, clinics, thrift store sales, circles, and Labyrinth walks in Tucson, AZ. Check our CALENDAR OF EVENTS for the latest schedule.

Earth Web Media‘s mission is to create sacred animistic communities by empowering Earth-honoring individuals and sharing our beliefs with those new to Animism.

Quynn Red Mountain is the founder and minister of Web of Life Church.

Our Mission

We fulfill our religious mission through sacred circles where individuals experience Animist ways (see Statement of Beliefs). These circles deepen our connection with the spirit world and nature. We explore ancient and modern animistic practices, including but not limited to:

  • Respectful communication with animals, elements, plants, and trees
  • Spirit world connection
  • Dreaming and storytelling
  • Intuition and channeling
  • Soul restoration practices
  • Trance dance, ritual, and ceremony
  • Divination arts

We extend our outreach through web-based circles, services, and ceremonies to share our Life Ways with the public.

We Are All One

Our Philosophy

Devoted to the health of Earth’s ecosystems, animists practice direct communication with Nature and the sacred within. We teach these practices both in person and online, guiding individuals to live harmoniously within Nature.

Understanding the double helix in our genetic material connects us with all sentient life forms, allowing for oneness and communication with all beings. Animism, a belief system among early humans across continents, has influenced the evolution of religions. Unlike mainstream religions that see God as transcendent, Animism perceives the Divine in Nature, present within and around us.

What is Animism?

Animism (from Latin anima, meaning “soul” or “life”) is a global belief that souls or spirits exist in humans, animals, rocks, plants, natural phenomena, and geographical features. Life extends beyond the three-dimensional world, enabling communication with ancestors, spirits, entities, and energies of Earth and beyond. Animists engage with multiple realms of reality for the collective highest good.

Learn more at our dedicated Animism page.

Our Practice: Full Circle Animism

Full Circle Animism is for those, especially the first generation in their families after many generations of silence or denial, who openly seek animistic understanding to heal their soul wounds. Those who feel drawn to this practice connect with the Sacred Web of Life, coming Full Circle. Kind Humans are welcome to join us in Tucson and online.

Core Beliefs

  • Inclusivity: No matter where you come from, you are a member of the Earth community and have natural abilities to be a part of the whole.
  • Sacred Connection: As each person reconnects with their Sacred Nature, we help breathe life into the world every day.
  • Earth Protection: Our Earth is Sacred, and it is our role to be loving Earth Protectors for now and future generations.
  • Healing: Many people in our community desire and need to experience emotional and spiritual healing by honoring the Earth and exploring our Animist Nature.

Community Engagement

Our world needs us to listen to the wisdom of our guides and guardians. When we listen and share together, our stories are heard, and our ancestors can assist us.


“Being involved with Web of Life has been a deeply enriching experience on a personal and community level. Gatherings through Web of Life have helped me discover and develop my own abilities and connections with Spirit.”  

Prayer Written by Susan T.

From our four enticing and mysterious directions 
come spirits bearing blessing gifts. 

From our vast and eternal skies come spirits 
raining blessing gifts from our Mother Earth, 

Holder of our oceans and cradler of our lands
come spirits bearing bountiful blessings. 

Gather in all sacred places. 
Gather power spirits of our animals and plants. 

Gather here and pray with us. 
Gathering place. 

Church of possibilities without end. 
Creative forces abound and circle within and without. 

We sing here. 
We dance here. 
We honor all things living. 
Come weave the Universe with us as we build our church. 

For all of us together this dance of life, 
this song of winds of change, 
this prayer of heartbeats and drums. 

All of us together here create the dreams of possibilities. 
Open, our sacred church, 
Open our minds, connect our hearts as we rise in beauty
and become a prayer at one with the Universe!

Video by Enchaunti Waroway, The Animist Therapist at Earth in Sky