Dark Nights-Inner World Journeys 12.23

Dark Nights-Inner World Journeys 12.23


39 minutes
Sometimes we experience a “dark night” in our life. We may feel an “inner darkness” when we are sad or discouraged. After opening the circle with gratitude and simple divination, Quynn shares 10-15 minutes of their drumming and nature sounds so you can turn within to enhance your connection, communication and kinship with the animals who are looking out for you.


39 minutes

During the time of Winter Solstice, the nights are long and dark. Sometimes we experience a “dark night” in our life. We may feel an “inner darkness” when we are sad or discouraged. We sleep in the dark, and we can learn many things from the dark. In this circle, the dark can teach us something that can help us. Join Quynn for this solstice time circle.

After opening the circle with gratitude and simple divination, Quynn shares 10-15 minutes of their drumming and nature sounds so you can turn within to enhance your connection, communication and kinship with the animals who are looking out for you.

During this 1 hour circle, expand your abilities to explore your Inner Realms. Practice listening for new insights. Receive Spirit guided assistance about important life subjects- love, work, health, and soul purpose.

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