Restoring Soul Circle 4.24

Restoring Soul Circle 4.24


44 minutes

This circle is offered to help you do your Soul Work bit by bit, utilizing the sounds of drumbeat and campfire within a cave like structure, as well as intention, you can be your own healing helper and retrieve and soothe parts of your Soul.


44 minutes

“Soul Work” happens a bit at a time. Sometimes the “bit” is “big”, and sometimes “small”. It is a marathon, not a sprint. This circle is offered to help you do your Soul Work bit by bit, in company with a guide and other seekers. Utilizing the drumbeat and intention, you can be your own healing helper and retrieve and soothe parts of your Soul that can help activate Peace in your life. Quynn is your guide.

“Soul Restoration” might involve connecting with needed Spirit Guardians, activating your Soul’s next step in your evolution, tending parts of your Soul that have been hurt by life/past life experiences, and exploring energetic body balancing.

You are here for a reason. You have particular gifts that your guides want you to share. If you feel there is something holding you back from your full potential, come join this circle and let stone friends help you in the ways that you need most right now. The intention is to be your own healing facilitator and activator, for your own highest good.

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