Tending Grief-Guided Rhythmic Meditation

Tending Grief-Guided Rhythmic Meditation


Through your breath, guided meditation and the sounds of rattle and drumbeats, this personalized circle holds space for you and your feelings about Grief.

Grief is a crushing, yet apparently necessary, part of being Human. During challenging times we feel the waves of grief in our personal lives, in our families, communities, nations and on a planetary level. We feel the losses, disappointment, anger and shock. I use the word “crushing” because there is a transformative quality to Grief, and if we can consciously travel through it, however long it takes, we can find our way to the other side where we are changed forever.

This circle holds space for you and your feelings, because there is no fixing what is happening. Through your calming breath, guided meditation and the sounds of rattle and drumbeats, you can be present with both Grief, as well as Beauty, in a way that feels safe to you. Your Spirit of Beauty can hold space for you as you sit with Grief.

This guided meditation and drum journey was recorded for you to have a personalized experience. Through your breath, guided meditation and the sounds of rattle and drumbeats, this personalized circle holds space for you and your feelings about Grief. Please listen with earbuds or headphones for the best sound. Please listen in a safe place, and at a time when you can truly listen.

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