War Wounds-Trauma felt through Generations

War Wounds-Trauma felt through Generations


During the time of “veterans day”, this circle is offered to hold space for our personal and collective human lineage as our war wounds are activated within us due to current wars around the planet. 45 minutes

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45 minutes

War in its many forms has impacted humanity for thousands of years and we carry these imprints within our bodies. During the time of “veterans day”, this circle is offered to hold space for our personal and collective human lineage as our war wounds are activated within us due to current wars around the planet.

As we all know, “wars” do not only affect military personnel. The brutality of war rips through people living their lives. Children, communities, whole regions are blown apart in so many ways by trying to run from or live through war, The families of those who wield war, and the generations that come after, are all impacted whether ever spoken of again.

After an opening blessing for the pain being felt right now, we will gently explore the ways in which war is activating our personal and ancestral wounds of the past. Listening to a soothing rhythmic soundscape gives us an inner space to call for help in soothing, processing and/or tending what comes up. No one is expected to try to “heal” wounds from war trauma, but we can hold gentle space for them in self and others.

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