A Sacred Evening with Medicine Singers

“What an amazing experience. I’m happy to have attended. Thanks to Phil, Alyce, Ron for sharing themselves with us in such a way.”

On January 5th, 2013, people gathered for an evening of sacred traditional songs, dances and ceremonial speeches shared by Phillip Cash Cash, his wife Alyce, and Phil’s Medicine Singing Brother Ron, in Tucson, AZ.   ISA was honored to host this ceremony.

I was taken by every attentive detail by all involved near and far, in having this ceremony and containing the healing for all! So much love and concern was maintained from the beginning to the end.The Phil, Ron, Alyce, Quynn, Elisabeth, Alyson, Coyote soup makers and blessers and pourers, all the Spirits of Mother Nature, here and beyond, everyone present, Thankyou. It was my honour to be able to receive the blessed Spirits and Singing and Salmon and Water and Fir Burroughs and Cedar and Coyote Soup!

A link to images of the gathering of the Fir boughs from the top of Mt. Lemmon before the ceremony.

What a blessed ceremony! Thank you Phil, Alyce, and Ron for the beauty, and for the soulfulness, and for the generosity of spirit. I feel a happy, bubbling heart happiness from it all. <3! Thank you Salmon, thank you Eagle, thank you Water. And, Elisabeth, thank you for delicious Coyote Soup buffet! :) Thank you mountain Trees. You were very kind!

“Thank you for sharing your healing songs, dance and laughter. The love, light, joy and energy that filled the space was heart warming/expanding… Phil, Alyce and Ron please keep up the Good works for it is much needed as well as appreciated. This night is now a memory for me to be cherished with a smile.”

Phillip and Ron, the singing was magnificent. Alyce, your beautiful light was shining. The room was filled with kind and loving hearts. The spirits were awesome. Thank you Coyote for sharing your soup. I enjoyed the laughing, dancing, singing and soaring. :)


The day after the releasing and healing ceremony, the singers took the Fir boughs (which absorbed sickness and sadness from people who stood upon them) back up the mountain, to give to the Spirits.

Greetings, a very precious, sacred feeling accompanied us as we released all the fir boughs and other materials used in our medicine singing. This happened at top of the hour of 2 pm today. Our mother earth and the many earthly spirits will take care of our heart’s prayer and open a clear path. Alyce, Ron, and I are all very grateful to share our songs. Many thanks to all who had a hand in preparations on making this event happen. Life and healing always, Phil

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