Do you feel called to be a healer? Web of Life understands! All Web of Life practitioners and ministers have followed that calling, and we encourage you to follow it. At Web of Life Animist Church there are many resources and guidance for those called to be a healer (also called Healing Facilitator and many other names). See Web of Life Animist YOUniversity for many study options in person and recorded. This video below was recorded in 2024.
In Animist cultures, after an initiate is called by their inner voice, and/or the Spirit World to help others in their community, they first must admit/address that which ails them. The ability to help others heal is deepened and informed by the experience of healing within oneself. When you are ready to see your own stories, and work together with healing helpers that are inside of you, and those you choose around you, much change can occur. Healing is possible.
Finally, and very importantly, do not assume that you can do this work alone. While working
with Spirit Guides and Inner Teachers helps you realize that you are not actually alone in your
life, it is incredibly helpful to have at least one human with whom you can share your healing
experience. Supportive human relations (in the form of healing facilitators, ministers, therapists and counselors) and spirit guide consultation is a powerful combination that can help healing occur. The video below was recorded in 2021)

Protect Ground and Clear Free Guide
This 20 page free e-booklet beautifully offers many animistic ways to protect ourselves, ground our energy or clear that which no longer is helpful to us. Written by Quynn Red Mountain and many students over the last decade. Design by Enchaunti Waroway of Earth in Sky Animism.

Your Greatest Gift-Exploring your Spiritual Abilities
This workshop is for those who feel called to develop your healing/helping/spiritual arts side.

Introduction to your Spiritual Tools
Explore your Spiritual Tools of Divination. Intuition. Dreams. Spirit Flight. Breath. Drumming. Protection. Clearing. Prosperity in ways that have personal and ancestral meaning for you.