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DNA Transformers-Personal and Ancestral Healing Series
February 21, 2022 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Join Quynn Red Mountain for this ONLINE Series that is in process. Jump in when it works for you. See the schedule below for dates/subjects. The entry link will be emailed the morning of the sessions to all who have rsvped.
Dates: = November 1, November 15, December 6 and 20, January 3 and 17, February 7 and 21, March 7. We meet live online twice a month on the first and third Monday eve 5:30pm PST/6:30pm MST/8:30 EST
This series takes you through personal initiatory excursions into your perception of your DNA. Drum journeying (sound comes through great online), shaking/rocking/trancing to rhythmic soundscapes (created by Quynn for this purpose), journaling and personal ceremony, guide you within where transformation is ready to occur. The verbal guidance and gentle rhythms help your dreaming mind access important and helpful allies. Your request to receive help from helpful ancestors and wise allies brings you the tools needed to hover in between the realms, where honest change can occur. Go at your own pace. You are guided and supported. All are welcome.
For this series, the phrase Ancestral “Trance” can mean:
-To live in a way, yet to have forgotten why. “I don’t know, I have always done it this way!” “It was good enough for my mom, it’s good enough for me.”
-To subconsciously repeat or act out behaviors in, and reactions to, current life, that feel unhelpful, yet also seemingly difficult to change . “I don’t know why I yell/drink/get angry etc., I just do!” “I want to die!”
-To feel trapped, stuck, held back, confined, quieted or repressed in a pervasive way, beyond any particular experience in your own life. “I am trapped in my life.” “Why do I feel this way?”
We live the Trances of our Ancestors, until we change them. Our inherited traumas have lived within us and been acted out by us for too many generations. It is time to alter the state of these unhelpful trances so we can fully embody our beautiful humanness once again. The health of the Web of Life needs us to do this work as individuals and cultures.
In each session we will explore one of the following multidimensional subjects that has come to reside in our genetic DNA due to experiences in our ancestral lines. Insights, Images, Visions, Memories and Emotion come through the trance journeys in helpful and meaningful ways when we know how to ask.
Subjects Explored:
-11/1-Rebuilding your Animist Ancestor Alliances
-11/15- Offering Nourishment and Wellness to Hunger and Sickness imprints
-12/6- Expressing Emotions of Separated and Lost Loved Ones
-12/20- Sacred Adulting for painful Inner Child Ancestral Patterns
-1/3- Finding peace for the Wars of Fight/Flight/Freeze/Fawn
-1/17- Healing Heart Break and Rebuilding Trust
-2/7- Honoring Crazy Wisdom and Memory Pain
-2/21- Tending the Trauma of Causing Harm-Tunnel of “Terrible Things”
-3/7- Re-inhabiting Body and Soul Temples
Strong Allies Await! We also have the beauty, power and wisdom of our ancestral lineage, and all Animals, Plants, Star People, Mountains, Lakes and so many more who loved them. This inherited Web of Wisdom helped us survive and they are ready to be remembered, honored and reclaimed by us, for this healing work, and for Life. As we heal, we have more capacity to be, see and feel LOVE within and around us. The Web of Life needs us to collectively remember.
While “journeying” experience is not required, some personal healing and meditation experience is helpful.
Requested Donation =$10-$30 per session ($20-$60 per month for 4 months) with commitment to the series.
Recordings available for donation of $5-$15 each. Let Quynn know if you would like previous session recordings.
If you cannot attend live and want the recording, let Quynn know ahead of the session.
Donations can be made at:
venmo @earthwebmedia
DNA Transformers is not therapy. It is offered as a guided and held space to explore some of the stories and lived experiences of our ancestors that live in our bodies with transformative, imaginative tools of the dreaming mind.
Your host and guide is Quynn Red Mountain. Quynn has spent 30 years tending their personal and ancestral traumas and has helped others heal theirs for the last 20+ years.