Archives: Events

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Clearing Circle for Caregivers, Sensitives and Helpers

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

When we interact and assist others, we feel their energies. As we strengthen our energetic core we gain skillful tools for processing and shedding energies of others. This circle focuses on understanding and enhancing clearing and protection needs for those who help and care for others in our communities. There is much help waiting for […]

Reiki Personal Sessions with Sofia-By Donation

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

I'm Sofia. I felt the call to become a Reiki practitioner a long time ago but many years of self work and healing were needed in order for me to be here today as a Usui Reiki Master. I am passionate about health physically and mentally and always driven to be of service. Yo, soy […]

Invigorating Our Imagination: Healing Spirit Journeys with David Edward

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

At this Tuesday's Journey Circle we will be invigorating our imagination. Imagination has been called the language of the unconscious, and sadly our ability to speak this language is seriously hindered in the age of digital distraction. Often we take it for granted, but our divine ability to manifest psychic images serves as our own […]

Online Circle-Healing Journeys for Pain

This monthly ONLINE circle is for those who experience PAIN. Quynn will offer a clearing meditation and then will drum for you, to open our inner portal to be open for guidance and helpful messages regarding the pain that we feel in our body, mind and spirit. Journeying experience is not necessary, but an open […]

Personal Sessions with Quynn-Soul Restoration, Clearings, Readings

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

These sessions can happen in person at the Web of Life, or online/phone. Today Quynn is available for personal sessions, which can be a Clearing, a Soul Restoration session (Inner Child, Past Life, Soul Healing) or a full intuitive divination Reading with the I Ching (Quynn has worked with the I Ching for over 25 […]

Inner Child Empowerment Circle- In Tucson/Online

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

We can provide our younger selves the empowerment they need to heal and be strong! We have all experienced troubling, challenging and traumatic times during childhood and all phases of adulthood,. The common belief is that those parts of us are dead and gone into the “past”. This is not the case. Our past selves […]

Inner Child Empowerment Circle- In Tucson/Online

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

We can provide our younger selves the empowerment they need to heal and be strong! We have all experienced troubling, challenging and traumatic times during childhood and all phases of adulthood,. The common belief is that those parts of us are dead and gone into the “past”. This is not the case. Our past selves […]

Reiki Personal Sessions with Sofia-By Donation

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

I'm Sofia. I felt the call to become a Reiki practitioner a long time ago but many years of self work and healing were needed in order for me to be here today as a Usui Reiki Master. I am passionate about health physically and mentally and always driven to be of service. Yo, soy […]

Animist Soul Medic- 6 month Training in Process

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Earth Web Media’s Web of Life Animist Church seeks Earth honoring People around the globe who feel called to support others in their communities as Animist Soul Medic Practitioners in the Web of Life tradition*. *The Web of Life Tradition- We are all connected by, and an equal thread in, the Sacred Web of Life. […]

Animist Recovery Support Circle

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

This circle is for those who are actively tending their recovery from addictions. No circle on Nov 29 Finding solutions through your internal wisdom.This unique offering combines drumming, journeying and sharing, as a means to explore your interior landscape of recovery. Connect with your recovery allies, your sobriety guides and ancestors through meditations and soundscapes. […]

League of Lightbearers-A Manifestation Circle

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

This is the time, the moment when we gather to concentrate our collective intentions towards igniting Peace in the midst of present chaos. Now is the time for Lightbearers in Tucson and throughout the globe to join together to create the future that we came here to manifest. The patriarchal model of autocratic world domination […]

Breathwork Healing-Personal Session with Amy

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Amy offers 1 hour private breathwork and Reiki sessions for individuals and couples at the Web of Life. To schedule her available appointment today, contact Amy at 520-975-3248 or to confirm. If you do not receive confirmation of your appt, you are not scheduled. Other days and times are available. Appointments today:2pm-Available3pm-Available During a […]

Community Social and Drumming

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Community Social and Drumming with Hosts Linda and Robert Knodle Linda and Robert will bring their community drum and invite those who want to drum with us and those who want to dance to the rhythm. It will be followed by a community potluck and conversation. Linda and Robert will bring a veggie, non-dairy soup. […]

Animal Labyrinths of the Tucson Basin-HAWK-Archeomythology Circle with Jacob

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Travel through time and myth with Jacob (our labyrinth maker) to explore the archetypes and powers of animals who travel the labyrinth of the Tucson basin, on the ground, in the air and under our feet.September-AntOctober-SpiderNovember-HawkDecember- Deer We open our circle with a prayer for the health of the Animal of honor this month. Then, […]

Web of Life Animist Open House-Drop In Readings-Spiritual Supply Sale

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

You are invited to come visit Web of Life during our informal open house today!Drop by and--Check out our beautiful space (2016 E Broadway)-Ask questions about Animism or our group Web of Life Intuitive Shamanic Animists-Receive a mini oracle card reading ($10 or free with $10 purchase)-Look for a special item or piece of clothing […]

Birthing your Deer Drum Workshop

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

During this season of thankfulness, we offer gratitude to our relationships with Deer and Maple Tree. To have a drum is to have a teacher and guide. We experience a direct connection with our inner world and the sacred world around us when we make rhythm with our drum. Autumn is hunting season, so while […]

Star (Dark) Moon Labyrinth of Light at 2016 E Broadway

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

The time of no moon and a thinned veil between the worlds is the best time to connect with the ancestors, and see STAR LIGHT in the city! The light of our labyrinth will guide our walk, and the stars above will guide our path as we travel through the dark time of life. Each […]

Empowering your Intuition Circle

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

“Learn to more deeply tap into, trust, and incorporate your innate guidance.” You’re likely aware of the Divine Guidance assisting you in maneuvering this human experience. What if I tell you that guidance lies within you? What if I go on to tell you that you have an innate power, also within you, that knows […]

“One in Every Family” Support Circle

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Welcome home! In this circle we will enjoy discussion, divination and a drum journey related to our experiences as Universal/Star/Dimensional Beings ! We meet once a month, jump in anytime! Do you?-Feel like you have been dropped off on the wrong planet?-Wonder why you always feel you are different than everybody else?-Remember something else than […]

Nature Deva with Elisabeth Black

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Tonight we work with pumpkins and squash and all of the Devas that hang out around these beauties. Pumpkin pie (gluten free) and tea will be served! Devas are spirits in nature which most of us humans can't see. They are protectors and guardians of nature and help maintain it. In these once a month […]

Nature Deva with Elisabeth Black

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Devas are spirits in nature which most of us humans can't see. They are protectors and guardians of nature and help maintain it. In these once a month circles, we work with Devas through plants, trees, flowers, herbs, and essences. By surrounding ourselves in these, we send out the respectful message, to the Devas, that […]

Reiki Personal Sessions with Sofia-By Donation

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

I'm Sofia. I felt the call to become a Reiki practitioner a long time ago but many years of self work and healing were needed in order for me to be here today as a Usui Reiki Master. I am passionate about health physically and mentally and always driven to be of service. Yo, soy […]

OOlah-ONLINE Healing Circle with Quynn

Quynn’s name for her role is OOlah-One Who Balances, given to her by her Spirit Guides.This is an ONline circle. We all need healing of Anger, Regret, Self-Doubt, Fear...Tending personal and ancestral soul wounds takes time, and the healing process comes in big and small pieces. This circle is offered as an opportunity to tune […]

Personal Sessions with Quynn-Soul Restoration, Clearings, Readings

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Today Quynn is available for personal sessions, which can be a Clearing, a Soul Restoration session (Inner Child, Past Life, Soul Healing) or a full intuitive divination Reading with the I Ching (Quynn has worked with the I Ching for over 25 years). You choose what feels most helpful to you today. Clearing:-Clearing moves out […]

Soup and Journey Circle on this National Day of Mourning

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Vegetarian Moringa and Miso Soup will be served from 2-3. At 3 we will open a journey circle to offer respect to and ask for assistance from the land Spirits and Ancestors in our spiritual activism and healing. All are welcome. Join us if you feel called. Stop by any time between 2-4. This is […]

Clearing and Protection Circle- in Tucson/Online

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

In this 1 hour circle, Quynn offers a clearing prayer, a guided meditation and then a drum clearing for protection in one’s life. Sensitive People often and regularly pick up and perceive energies that are not helpful. Clear away what is not yours and more strongly protect what is important. This is a time to […]

Personal Sessions with Quynn-Soul Restoration, Clearings, Readings

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

These sessions can happen in person at the Web of Life, or online/phone. Today Quynn is available for personal sessions, which can be a Clearing, a Soul Restoration session (Inner Child, Past Life, Plant Medicine Support or Soul Healing) or a full intuitive divination Reading with the I Ching (Quynn has worked with the I […]

Animist Family Hour

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Each month we offer this time for earth honoring families. Bring your children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews and have fun. Connect with other Animist families. This Animist Family Hour is offered by sliding scale of $5-$20 per family. Aunt Elisabeth (a certified, fingerprinted teacher) will be your hostess. We will explore the topic through drumming/rattling, […]

Breathwork Healing-Personal Session with Amy

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Amy offers 1 hour private breathwork and Reiki sessions for individuals and couples at the Web of Life. To schedule her available appointment today, contact Amy at 520-975-3248 or to confirm. If you do not receive confirmation of your appt, you are not scheduled. Other days and times are available. Appointments today:2pm-Available3pm-Available During a […]

Harmonic Immersion – Gong Meditation

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Enter the ethereal realms of harmonic sound Michelle Angel shares her sacred instruments. Gongs, Crystal Singing Bowls, Himalayan bowls, flute, Harmonium and the Halo handpan drum. Orchestrating these instruments, she sculpts a rich and varied harmonic soundscape that invites you to relax and let the vibrations take you on an inward journey.Please bring mats or […]

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