ISA Welcomed the Equinox in Style

Community members of the Institute of Shamanic Arts gathered at The Grotto to welcome the equinox in style. We met new friends and were reunited with old friends.

Even with all of our celebrating and sharing in our life happenings, we took time to share our blessings with others. We collected food for the community food bank and had a collective rhythm circle to send love out into the world.

Everyone also took the opportunity to share about what we are grateful for in our lives and offered sweet blessings for all.

Each of us also took time to reflect on how ISA has touched our lives or thoughts that we had about ISA.  What follows are some of the reflections that were received:

ISA has helped me move through many blocks. Giving me the courage to reflect deeply, go deep, and enlighten up. Thanks to many who have shared and held space…and the beat goes on.

I can feel the pulse of community when we rhythm together. This will heal us and our world. Thank you for our blessings.

These are beautiful people and they took me to a beautiful place. For that I thank them.

The lonely feeling of not being the only person who hears voices or sees spirits….Being able to bare my soul without fear of ridicule.

ISA has helped me connect with the most awesome group of people. There are so many with so much to share, and they are here to share with all their hearts, as am I.

The Institute of Shamanic Arts has given me an amazing sense of community. I have met so many wonderful people with whom I share common interests. This is a safe haven for those of us who have felt “different” from common society, you will not be judged or labeled “weird” here. Nothing but open arms and loving hearts. 

ISA has given me a community of brothers and sisters on the path and safe place to explore all that my inner and outer worlds have to offer. It’s given a way to connect to the earth no matter where I am.

ISA is a true community…an open, kind welcoming and strong force for personal and global change.

The group provides a wonderful group and place for spiritual exploration.

I am a rainbow. I am a flower. I am a bird that has found her power. Dance with me now and we shall find a world the way it is meant to be, full of shamanic beauty!


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