Soul Restoration Healing Course

Soul Restoration is a necessary part of Healing
and healing is an important part of Life.

All humans experience trauma, personally, and in one’s ancestry. Today we have tools that can assist us in the restoration process. This Soul Restoration Healing Course helps you ask “What parts of myself are ready to “come home” so I can be my complete self?”, and then lovingly invite them home, using the tools shared here.

This multimedia Course was recorded in a live circle, over a year’s time. Quynn addressed topics that she feels are helpful ingredients to the intricate process of personal soul retrieval. Ancestral soul healing is its own process, not particularly addressed here.  For now, focus on your own soul.

Each lesson contains an audio workshop regarding the listed subject. In Quynn’s words, and with Quynn’s drum and rattle, she guides you within yourself to connect with your innate gifts, and those parts of your soul that are ready for loving attention. Through the practices of drum journeying, meditation, journaling, trance induction and daydreaming, your Spirit Guardians and Allies can bring the messages and assistance you need right now in your soul healing work. The subjects and exercises are offered as prompts for your healing work. Follow your process and may this work be helpful to you in some way.

Included in this Course:

~A ten minute welcome video

~11 minute Drum Track- Drummed by Quynn for journeying/meditation

~~10 minutes of deep Crystal Singing Bowl for relaxation, contemplation, and gentle journeying/meditation

Your Five Workshops:


Lesson 2)Voices in the Head- Understanding Inner Voices 

Lesson 3) Healing your YOUNGER YOUs- A Soul Retrieval Workshop 

Lesson 4) HEALING ACHILLES- A Workshop for Strengthening Vulnerabilities 

Lesson 5) Untangling “Spells”­ and “Curses” 

The lessons of this course are arranged in a particular order, and always remember that you are welcome to move through the lessons in your own flow. The “quiz” at the end is an opportunity to think about some questions and issues brought up in the course.

Journal and Journey Ideas for working with the content in this course:
At any point during this course the subject matter in the included workshops and
journeys may bring you more questions. When you want to go deeper, you can
journey with the included drum journey or rattle track.

You are invited to use the following intentions for additional inquiries to explore your abilities, troubles and ask any questions. Please know, you can use these intentions as ideas to form your own questions and intentions related to what you need most now.

• Ask your guides for more information about any journey that left you with more questions
• Explore any “blocks” or doubts that you encounter
• Journey regarding a trauma in your life to ask for a Healing and Protection Ally
• Go within to offer gratitude and/or gifts to your guides for your evolving relationship
• State your intention to restore your Soul, and ask for guidance
• Journey for Ancestral helpers, guides and guardians, for more information regarding
inherited Spells and Curses still affecting you today
• Ask “What wisdom do you have for me?” of your Authentic Soul
• Journey for help with your expression and containment of POWER in your daily life

Other ways to enhance your experience:
-Shake up old patterns by increasing the rhythms of your journey experiences by tapping your finger in time with the drum or rattle beat, rocking back and forth, shaking your body. Write about your experience.
-Write about your journeys. Note any difficulties and any guides that you encountered.
-Trust that even “nothing” is something. Journey again about the “nothing”. There is always something going on during a journey, even if you do not understand it.
-Explore your feelings about your relationship with your Spirit World.
-Memories of your journeys may recede over time. Keeping a journey journal is incredibly helpful for long term growth.

These practices can help you strengthen your center so you will be able to more
effectively flow with your personal energy, as well as with other energies.

Many blessings to you and your journey…
When you are ready, go to the Introduction (Welcome Home).

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