Life Changing Experiences bring Changes

Hello all,

1896872_10203979303871231_81608236132821858_nThis is Quynn Red Mountain, founder of the Institute for the Shamanic Arts and Earth Web Media. I was called to shamanize while I was in my late 20’s, and I have shamanized with many people in groups and individually since then.   Four months ago I began a physical healing adventure that officially ended yesterday.  I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in my thigh and then had an Ovarian cancer scare, which led to me having a partial hysterectomy at age 46.  (Read blog posts about it here) This experience offered many teachings and realizations on my part.  I realized that I needed an initiation. I needed to confront my death and decide to live, I needed to experience a bit of what so many people experience for long, scary periods of time, pain.  I needed to see my shamanic practitionership with new eyes.  I needed to let go of old shit.

I had two surgeries in 5 weeks, and in both situations the best possible outcome emerged.  Now I am home, yet changed in many ways.  I now have the opportunity to choose how to reintegrate into my personal and vocational life.

During the recent spring season I became clear about some areas of change that are ready to happen, and so I am sharing them with you.

1) Earth Web Media is an Animist Church that began in 2008 (The Institute for the Shamanic Arts began in 2000). Since then I have done all I can as a volunteer to help it grow into a valid and meaningful spiritual community that is recognized as an entity known as a ‘church’.  In the last few months I have admitted to myself that it is time to create a “Minister” position for Earth Web Media, and that I am to be that Minister (Animist Minister).   I am in the process of creating an Animist Minister Training Program so that other Earth loving Shamanic people can become an ordained Minister (with legal priveleges given to ordained ministers) from Earth Web Media.    My Minister position is still volunteer at this time, until funds can be raised for my Minister stipend.  This move means a lot to me, and I look forward to this change!

2)  For my circles and workshops offered in Tucson Arizona, I gained a clarity about the formula of each style.   The following will also help new people understand how things go in my circles.  Beginners to advanced are welcome to participate, unless otherwise noted.

-My Saturday workshops cover introductory approaches to shamanically relevant subjects, and my words are recorded (not the participants’).  I will then publish the audio workshop for the members of the online club (see #3 below) to purchase and listen to. The purpose of these workshops is to share about aspects of Shamanic cultures and explore techniques that assist people reconnect with their Spirit Worlds.

-Sunday morning journey circles are drop-in and do not include journeying instruction.  Each session includes 2 shamanic journeys.  Divination of varying kinds will be used for journey prompts.  Sharing about journey experiences is encouraged.  Bring a journal if you have one.  For this circle, Quynn drums for people.  The session lasts from 10am-noon.

-I gained so much respect and gratitude for my body during my recent experience, and I realize that I need to make time and space to honor my relationship with it. On many Sundays at 12:30 I will offer an hour long circle where people listen to evocative music and people move in any way that their body wants them to.  A sort of Dance Church.  Ahhh.

-Sunday afternoons 2-4pm will host a variety of body oriented workshops and gatherings, offered by those in the ISA community. Begins June 1, 2014.

-Monthly support circles will be included on weekday evenings.  Circles such as:  Shamanic Body Communication (Listen to the Spirit of Imbalance/Sickness), Releasing Ceremonies, Prayer circle for veterans with PTSD and Shamanic Soul Tending.

-I have a strong desire to explore more aspects of what might be called Shamanic Ceremonial Performance.  One of my first guiding dreams was about creating a traveling Circus of Spirit, and I was reminded clearly again recently. The time is NOW.   I will be looking to create opportunities for this dramatic and healing expression in Tucson and beyond.

3) The time has finally come where the technology available and my ability to use it has come together in a beneficial way for online shamanic exploration.  This process has been in the works for a long time (it isn’t easy creating content on the cutting edge with a very small budget!), and my brush with potential death made me realize how important it is to me that this happens.   So, within a month a whole new approach to shamanizing will emerge at . In addition to offering audio and video circles and workshops for anyone who wants them, it also gives me the reason to record all the content that is stuck in my head.  I have created so much original shamanic content for education and ceremony over the years, and my guides clearly, clearly told me (more than once) that I now must create an archive of this unique approach to shamanizing, journey by journey, circle by circle… so this is in the works now. I am excited to share this with you and awed by the possibilities for global online shamanic community.

I am grateful for the opportunity to continue my shamanic work and expand the way in which ISA and Earth Web Media can support and empower Shamanic Animists. I am grateful for the personal clearing and a reset in such a gentle way.  I am grateful for my Spirit Guides and Ancestors who guided me so clearly through this very real experience.   I am grateful for all the people who shared loving energy with me and supported me through a time when it is tough to be alone.

I look forward to the positive changes that are happening right now.  If you would like to find out more about circles in Tucson, go to our meetup group calendar.  To participate in the upcoming Online Journeying Club, email Quynn.  It will be unveiled soon.


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