Greetings Friends! Quynn here- My Ancestors call me OOlah (One Who Balances).
In early May 2016 I caught a ride from Portland, OR (my hometown, visiting my mother) to Squamish, BC for an Animist (and Shamanic) Ceremonial Conference hosted by The Sacred Circle of The Great Mystery Shamanic Society .
I wasn’t sure what to expect, since I have never been to such a conference before. I was pleased to have been invited by John-Luke Edwards to present a workshop the year before, and while that timing didn’t work out, this year it did…and so I went. The conference, which consisted of workshops and many ceremonies, was renewing for me. Without getting into details of what happened, I will say that participating in the intricate and uplifting ceremonies each day, and feeling free to be “out” in my own animist way, was just what my inner self needed. I was very impressed with the intricate attention to detail of the ministers, pathfinders and elders of the society to create inclusive experiences, even for those not familiar with the Sagh’ic Tire Dhream (Wolven Path Tradition).
Thank you for inviting me. I will become a member of the Society, and look forward to more collaborations.
In 2017 the Conference theme is “Communion”.
Here is a video of images from the Gathering- The focus for this year’s Gathering was “Death To Birth; The Journey of Love”