Accessing Inner Guidance- An Introduction to Sound Journeying

Accessing Inner Guidance- An Introduction to Sound Journeying


47 minutes.  This circle is an introduction to the experience we now call “The Spirit World Journey”, and can also be a good introduction to Quynn’s process of journeying.


47 minutes

Let the Drum guide you. Ask and you shall receive.

The ancient combination of consistent rhythm, a focused intention and a sense of expectancy has always aided humans in connecting with our inner worlds and the natural world around us. Every human has such abilities, and with encouragement, and a bit of instruction, it is amazing what can come forth for the journeyer! Your guides can appear in many forms, and speak to you in many ways.

This circle is an introduction to the experience we now call “The Spirit World Journey”, and can also be a good introduction to Quynn’s process of journeying. You will learn this process and apply it to your own personal needs. You will receive personal instruction about what to expect and how to make the most of your experience.

Most of us have questions about our Soul’s path, relationships and health. These questions (or any other question) can be the focused intentions for your journeys, and your sense of expectancy is the bridge between the guides who have always been with you (even if you have not yet formally met). All people of all ancient tribes have this birthright! Come claim yours… You deserve helpful input about your questions! You have the ability to receive information from those who care for you. You have a tribe of helpers waiting to communicate with you!

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