Animist Minister Ordainment Training

Animist Minister Ordainment Training

“This training will deepen whatever you already know and believe and certainly it will better your experience in being human.”

During difficult times, community is essential. Now is the time to deepen your roots of connections within your Earth honoring Life as an ordained Animist Minister.  Web of Life seeks those who serve pagan, queer, intuitive and creative communities who know that human rights and social justice are part of spirituality. Please start a subscription payment AFTER submitting your application and receiving confirmation of acceptance.

Due every month for 12 months

Our Next 12 month Online Ordainment Program begins November 17, 2024

Training begins on Sunday, Nov 17, 2024 in zoom
Meetings are 1st and 3rd Sundays- 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. PT/AZ/MST* through Oct 19, 2025
(*during Standard time: 9am-11am PT, 10am MT, 11am-1pm CT, noon-2pm ET)

We are all connected in the Sacred Web of Life.
Support your Earth honoring community by becoming a legally Ordained Minister.

Earth Web Media’s Web of Life church was founded to empower and protect the “spiritual” beliefs, social/eco justice practice, healing work and Earth honoring life ways of those who know they are connected in the web of life, and that the variety of these ways are equal to what others call their “religion”.

We use the word “Animism” to generally describe the varied and similar life ways of our collective human ancestors, before the plagues of patriarchy and religious domination. Navigating through this challenging era calls on the best in us, and the role of Animist Ministers within Animist churches can play a growingly important role in creating the best possible unfolding. This Training is designed to inspire you to discover and creatively express your Unique Nature of Service (“ministry”), that supports, serves and advocates for yourself, and your Earth connected communities.

At this time, Earth Web Media’s Web of Life church has ordained Ministers in AZ, OR, WA, MT, CA, NM, NY, AK, KS, TN and WI in the “US” and BC, ON and QC in Canada (other states are potentially legal as well. Please Inquire), and EWM’s Minister Ordainment is approved through the Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry as legal in 4 Provinces in CA (with additional requirements). For Canadian candidates, email CIMM to learn about requirements for approval.




“I am deeply grateful for the guidance and teachings of Web of Life. Learning side by side with radiant beings also on the path of healing was encouraging. I was able to address some deeply engrained doubt and stigma and  I feel my ancestral connection to my Mexican and Ukranian magik has been restored. These lessons have changed my life journey for the better and I can’t thank you enough. ”
Anya-Spirit Bridge Practitioner and Animist Minister

You will experience in this Web of Life Ordainment Training:
  • 23 two-hour live video meetings offered through zoom with discussions, journeys and exercises to explore subjects listed below
  • Practice participating in and leading group-sharing experiences, around the topics listed below
  • You will receive active support from Quynn and the Web of Life community while building your own Animist community (online and in physical spaces)
  • Presentation and discussion about a variety of related aspects of Animist Ministry such as: Rites of Passage, Elements of Ceremony, Challenges of Ministry, Prayer, Holding Space, Queer Wisdom, sharing Animist insight and experience, and more (see below)
  • In between live meetings you will receive Self and Ancestral Awareness Assignments to complete on your own before the next meeting, within a month, or at end, depending upon the assignment. (Approximately 2 hours of self guided time each month)
  • Inspiration and guidance in the creation of personal and ancestrally authentic practices, ceremonial tools and clothing/adornments for ministerial work
  • To close this yearlong learning experience, participants will co-create an online ceremony, presenting each Minister’s unique gifts and areas of interest
  • Receive support, encouragement and kind reflection for your professional and personal selves

“This training will only deepen whatever you already know and believe and certainly it will better your experience in being human.”
Lucia, Minister in Canada

This one year ordainment training also includes:
  1. Two 45 minute personal consultations with Quynn, within the fourth month and anytime in the last two months of the training, to assess growth and focus intentions for ministry
  2. Mentorship opportunities with experienced ministers of Web of Life with personal and vocational shares during live sessions.
  3. 12 month subscription to Celestial Terrestrial Meditation and Journey ClubTo strengthen your connections to the cycles around you, each Dark/New and Full Moon of the year you will receive an audio file guided meditation, prayerful intention and drumming, approximately 15-20 minutes long, plus two more recordings monthly
  4. During our final meeting you will receive a E-packet of legal, IRS, and support documents compiled by Web of Life Church to help you navigate through the legalities of being a “minister” in your state or province. This web of animist ministers keeps these ideas alive and shares them through generations.

“As a minister, I serve as a bridge between my community and the spiritual realm, helping individuals connect with their inner wisdom and guidance.”  Baba Xanga

Areas of Animist Ministry – Your Nature of Service:

As an Animist Minister, Your Nature of Service is Unique to YOU and helps you Support, Embody and Promote the following Animistic ideas in the world around you.
Throughout the year we will approach each topic of Ministry in our live meetings with discussion, introspection and community support exercises.

Your Ancestry and Personal Agency will guide you as you focus on the following important subjects: 

1) Animism as a multifaceted Life Way- Being in community with Stones, Water, Trees, Earth, Storms, Ideas and all of the Web of Life

2) Earth Prayers and Advocacy for Navigating our Way Forward-Sacredness is Everywhere and is in All Things/Beings

3)  Exploring Careful and Protected “Clearing” Practices of Space, Mind, Place and Body

4)  Gender We/They Wisdom Protected, Valued and Shared

5) Gratitude for, and building relationship with, Land, Plant and Animal Teachers in Respectful Ways

6) Dispelling Colonized Mind (Internalized Racism and White/Religious/Male/Human Supremacy) in Personal and Cultural Consciousness

7) Demystifying our Relationship with Plants as Nourishment and Medicine for Body, Soul, Culture and Species

8) Enhancing our Relationship with the various Realms of Reality, the Sacred Directions, as revealed to us

9) Offering Gratitude to the Four (or more) Elements and Seasons

10) Honoring and Healing Lineage, Ancestors and DNA Healing

11)Animist ways to support others during trauma, challenge, grief and change

12) Marking and Honoring Rites of Passage (ones we want, and ones we don’t)

13) Strengthening voice and action for Environmental/Racial and Social Justice in volatile times

14) Words and Actions to support community during divisive challenges w/ multiple views

15) Birth, Life and Death Tending through Nature honoring Practices

16) Listening to Sickness and Feeding Wellness in Mind, Body and Spirit of Individual, Culture and Systems

17) Facilitating Physical and Non-Physical World Communication

18) Intuition, Empathy, Divination and how it comes through you

19) Animist Strength, Power, Resilience and Justice for Now and Coming Generations

20) Trance Induction and “Spirit” World Relationship Maintenance

21) Soul Restoration as Necessary Medicine for the Collective

22) Healing our Wounded Relationship with Prayer through Trance, Rhythm, Dance and Song

23) Art is Life- What is YOUR Art? Art shares Truth back to the Community

24) Sharing Ritual and Ceremony grounded in Lineages and Direct Revelation that Supports and Reflects your Community


Art by David Edward Oliver, Animist Minister

Traditions of Teaching at the Web of Life

We practice the tools that consistently show themselves in Earth honoring cultures, including: honoring the sacred circle, activating trance with a consistent rhythm, dreaming, honoring the Earth and Sky cycles, elements and directions in Nature, intuition, trance, soul restoration, ritual, interaction with spirit world, ceremony, divination, storytelling, connecting with animal and plant allies, blessings/prayers, dance and sacred singing. Each person consults their own Spirit Guides about how to practice these arts.

This path is for anyone, but can be especially helpful for anyone who is the first generation in their family, after numerous generations of silence/denial, who openly feels their connection with the Sacred Web of Life.  When you learn to connect to it, Spirit World teaches and guides each person in their healing and each Animist in their sacred arts. In these times we are called to remember what our ancestors knew, and enact these ways in our daily lives. In this time, we are coming “full circle”.

Each Minister is guided by their Spirit Guides and Ancestors to create your own Ministry, in a way that has meaning for you.  You will create your own way to share the Animist message in this evolving world, in collaboration with others of like mind.

Becoming a minister is something we do for ourselves and for me, that gift has been huge: stabilizing and validating in the truly mysterious ways of those called to serve. Loving begins at home and the minister training is a beautiful bridge from self to vocation that I highly recommend if this life journey has awakened in you the hooves of wild mustangs drumming down your path beside you.
Linda G, LCSW, DCSW, Minister of the Web of Life Church

What Can You Do As an Animist Minister?

Earth Web Media is a legal church in Oregon, Arizona, Washington and ordained ministers live also in New Mexico, New York, Florida and Wisconsin. Web of Life church is able to be considered legal in other states where you might live. Reach out to Quynn for the latest info about your state.  In 2020 we were accepted by Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry so our Ministers can register to be legal in British Columbia; Alberta; Ontario & Quebec Canada, with additional requirements (email CIMM for details).

As an Animist Minister you can offer support services to Earth honoring People in:
~Hospice and Hospitals ~Social Justice, Queer, Pagan Communities who need Physical Actions, Spiritual Support and Advocacy for/as Earth Protectors ~End of Life Support~ Prison Ministry ~Climate Justice communities ~Private and Home Schools (yours or someone else’s) for Children and Adults ~ Addiction and Grief and ~Youth Support

You are able to advocate for people in your community and congregation who do not have like-minded family in situations with: the Veterans Administration, Hospitals for End of Life choices, and legal situations.

You can legally and professionally officiate:
~Weddings and Commitment Ceremonies ~ Memorial Services in person and virtually~ Ceremonies for Release and Rites of Passage ~ Individual Pastoral Care ~ Land/Home Blessings and Clearings

The IRS defines Ministers as individuals who are duly ordained by a religious body constituting a church or church denomination. They are given the authority to conduct religious worship, perform sacerdotal functions, and administer ordinances or sacraments according to the prescribed tenets and practices of that church or denomination.

To be able to say that I have sat in ceremony with other folx, learning, teaching, unfolding, and becoming is a true blessing. I am so grateful for this past year, and all of the healing and teachings it has provided.

This training is open to Plant Medicine Practitioners

Plant Medicine Practitioners=Minister candidates who incorporate Plant Medicine* in their personal path and plan on supporting congregants as they prepare for, and integrate the wisdom of, Plant Teachers.
Participants in this group do not have to be students of Plant Teachers.

*Our definition of Plant Medicine: All ways in which Plants teach, heal and support us. We include physically medicinal, nourishing (food), clearing, visionary, and mood balancing plants. 


Donation for 12 month Program, includes legal Ordainment:
Requested sliding scale is $720-$3600 (most often offered in monthly installments of $60-$300) The low end of the sliding scale is for those who need it most and if someone feels called to this work, but the minimum is too much, suggest an amount in your application that you can do. Anyone who donates more than the minimum contributes to providing access for all qualified applicants.

Reach out to Quynn for Information about:
-Scholarship opportunities for low income BIPoC leaders seeking ordainment
-Trade for those with needed tech skills

Ministers of Web of Life who have gone through a previous round of training can join this round for donation. Reach out to Quynn for details.

In order to be eligible for this ordainment program, you must:
-Have training and life experience in at least one healing art, mental health or spiritual modality, and are
currently serving your community. You must have current experience holding space for others, either in a one on one, or group setting.  If you do not yet have this experience, then please see the “workshops”, “courses” or other “trainings” under Offerings
-Fill out an application and then, if new to Web of Life, schedule a zoom interview with Quynn to be accepted to participate.

–Preference offered to those who have completed, or are currently participating in the Spirit Bridge-Healing Practitioner Training Program
If you have life experience in personal healing and holding space for others, you can defer the above and instead:
-Attend a live circle or series with Quynn to make sure we are a good fit. See upcoming series options here. Reach out through contact form to find out more. 


  1. There are 24 live -2- hour meetings in zoom, which can be joined w/ audio or video. Participation in at least 18 of 24 live sessions is required, unless another agreement with Ministry trainer has been arranged. 
  2. In between live meetings you will receive “Awareness Assignments” to complete on your own before the next meeting, within a month, or at end, depending upon the assignment. (Approximately 2 hours of self guided time each month).
  3. At some point during the year, each trainee will share a presentation with other Ministers in Training regarding an area of your emerging ministry. Typical presentations are approximately 45 minutes.
  4. Complete an application and agreement form to participate. (Not all applicants may be accepted).
  5. Respectful language and actions, as well as engaged personal boundaries are to be enacted each session of the year.
  6. Respect for community health is important as an Animist Minister, so for anyone who doesn’t believe Covid is real, then Web of Life is probably not a good fit for you.
  7. If you are new to Web of Life, and/or working with Quynn, an introductory zoom interview will be arranged after you send in your application, to make sure it is a good fit*.  *Not all applicants may be accepted. 

Your Human Guide, and the creator of this training, is Quynn Red Mountain.
Find out more about Quynn


Reflections from Past Trainings:

I claimed 2021 as my rebirth year where I committed to unlearning old harmful ways that hadn’t always served me best. As the universe would have it, I was introduced to the Web of Life Animist Minister program which was the first “unschooling” opportunity for me. I met a lot of beautiful people with gifts that supported my new journey and taught me Earth-honoring practices that I had not considered or been exposed to before. The biggest value for me was getting to learn and practice my gifts in a sacred online space. This training embodies matriarchal energy of love, support and spiritual intuition which is vital for helping shift humanity into the new paradigm! – Sister Kalisha

This year I made art I healed I cried I felt Joy I embodied myself. It was a magical un-namable ever-present field of support, leaving me with a sense of being a bit more filled with love with confidence with hope thank you.

I have gained a deep sense of Animist community and the charge to further that in my future, and to help bring that feeling to others.  I am getting more of a sense of the great potential that a ‘minister’ holds for creating Animist community.

I am realizing and actualizing a practical method of a healing practice to bring to the world, and building a strong foundation for my life grounded in Animist practice.

The Animist Ministers Fellowship has been a great resource. I can reflect on what we discovered during the course of the program when I am experiencing my own grief and trauma and pull myself back into clarity. The tools learned within the program are very valuable to have as a simple guide for my own life and professional practice.

Thank you Quynn for bringing us together for seeing us for creating the space for Magical things to happen I feel for once I belong to the Earth and it is my task to bring this sense of belonging to others.

I really appreciate your leadership and guidance the wisdom you have offered and that you created this at all.  So much changed and shifted for me in this last year, and I know it wouldn’t have had you not created this space this program and gave me a reason  to trust myself. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Walking through the seasons and the many months shared with faces and voices who become familiar and cherished. It is a year together journeying to collect a deeper understanding of your Self, your ancestors, and the work we are doing together to bring this beautiful planet into balance. We are stewards of the earth learning how to minister to ourselves and our communities. I think you Quynn, hold and facilitate shared space with integrity and inclusivity. I was honored to take part in your training.
When I joined this program it was my intention to further explore the spiritual realms. During this year I’ve been pushed past my boundaries external as well as internal. I’ve traveled the full spectrum of being in feeling angry, elated, and an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. This program truly brought my vision into focus and has allowed me to explore all the possibilities.

There have been years where I’ve looked back and reflection and been in almost disbelief at all of the things that have happened. This last year in the Animist Ministry program has been one of those years. The lessons of healing and knowledge I’ve received has been profound one of the most liberating lessons and insights has been to recognize who I am under the identity imposed On Me by this Society. I remember who I am before I was told and conditioned to be a drone. This year and my experiences in this program with all the amazing people in it has reminded me of why I came here. To help Humanity could reconnect with Spirit the Earth and their authentic Self.

This adventure with you will forever be with me, the time, words and tears, everything that I have experienced from you and from this program has truly touched my life.

When I started on the journey of becoming a Minister I was still trying to find what my practice meant to me, as a student, and a teacher. During the year process, I was able to allow the teachings to move me forward on my journey, but more importantly, be held with my fellow ministers along the healing that was being asked of me. I was able to find a deeper connection to myself, to like-minded folks, and to what spirituality means to me. This journey profoundly impacted my life, business, relations, and community, and I would recommend it to anyone. I am so grateful to Quynn for holding the space for us and teaching us along the way. I am grateful for my fellow ministers, and the support that is still continued from them today.

Validation begins with the prospective of similarity in the stories of others. Sharing is a key element of the animist experience. The entrainment of Rhythm and intention is a major take away from this year.  A great opportunity to hear Reflections from a sympathetic population.

This year has ended with reflection of myself through others as a part of a continuing group. I now have many teachers. I have found an earth-based we. The ability to consciously hold Space is quite a lovely thing I am grateful to have learned through this process and program.

From just the most practical and mundane side, my ordination has been a way to demonstrate a deeper-than-average commitment to a spiritual path. It has lent legitimacy to my argument with society around the elevated place all my furry, feathered, scaled, leafed and spiny relatives deserve in my service to their quality of life. I’ve faced off with the water company who had a problem with my drip feeding of a primitive ground surface oasis for all the wildlife on my property.  When I asserted my right to support the animals within the exercise of religious freedom as a minister, it shut down the argument.  My ordination has also afforded reassurance to therapy clients (beyond a state-issued license) that my sensitivity to spiritual ways of knowing, like talking to trees, for example, is more than the woo-woo-belief-du-jour. In short, being a minister within the Web of Life Animist Church has saved me a lot of breath and frustration when reason has failed to inspire sympathy for helping the relatives and my authority for serving under a specific theology and church needs to be asserted to clear the way for expressions of compassion.

On the more profound side, I look back on the process of becoming a minister as a ceremonial affirmation of the closest thing I have in Tucson to the sense of belonging I enjoyed back east where I was raised in the land of the Lenni Lenape and was welcomed into the Turtle Clan as an adult. Whether or not I actually attended the Roasting Ears of Corn or Planting ceremonies did not alter my sense of being grounded in those expressions of gratitude. That a kindred spiritual community thrives here, in the desert, walks the labyrinths, meets online and in-the-flesh– I find security in it’s existence and ongoing gratitude for creation on behalf of our species. I am humbly thankful to be affiliated as a minister.

All information included is the intellectual property of Earth Web Media. Copyright 2023.

This training was created by Quynn Red Mountain and is the intellectual property of Earth Web Media’s Web of Life church.

Earth Web Media makes every effort to offer accessible training options at incredibly affordable prices. However, you need to be in charge of your end of the donation process. If you pay in full and then drop out, No Refunds. If you pay with a recurring donation, it is your responsibility to inform Earth Web Media of your stop payment date before it happens. No refunds if you forget. If you do not inform Earth Web Media that you are leaving program, it will be assumed that you are continuing to participate by listening to the class recordings, and therefore, no refunds. Thank you for your understanding.

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