Befriending the Bear- Spirits of Addiction Healing Circle

Befriending the Bear- Spirits of Addiction Healing Circle


The focus of this 38 minute circle is to learn more about the Spirit(s) that feed one’s addiction through the imaginative practice Web of Life calls Journeying.

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This 38 minute circle was recorded on 9.1.23 and is for those who are in a relationship with one or more spirits of addiction. The focus of this circle is to learn more about the Spirit(s) that feed one’s addiction through the imaginative practice Web of Life calls Journeying. By asking for help from an inner ally, you can experience insights regarding creative and helpful ways to interact with any unhelpful energy that feels connected to your relationship with Addiction. Maybe Bear is your Ally. Maybe Bear is a Spirit of your Addiction. Maybe Bear plays another role. Journey to find out.

We will share some simple divination to help focus our intentions, and then a 12 minute drumming track will be played for you to ask for help and insight.