Connecting with Plant Wisdom 4.24

Connecting with Plant Wisdom 4.24


39 minutes

This circle offers an opening of the circle and its subject, and then Quynn shares an evocative recorded sound journey created for this circle so participants can listen within for insight related to the plants as teachers for this moment.


39 minutes

Through the power of consistent rhythms and sacred attention, explore experiences, visions, insights and messages received in the past, as well as listening for new messages, from the Spirits of Plant Teachers that you work with.

Expanding one’s natural connections to the multidimensional nature of reality by traveling the rhythms of sound helps us with integrate previous visionary experiences, connect with plants all around us and helps us prepare for upcoming initiations and messages while communing with the plants in your lives.

This circle offers an opening of the circle and its subject, and then Quynn shares an evocative recorded sound journey created for this circle so participants can listen within for insight related to the plants as teachers for this moment.

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