Inner Papa 6.24

Inner Papa 6.24


48 minutes

Recorded on the day after Father’s Day is a perfect time to gently tune inward for your Inner Papa. Listen for the sacred masculine within you, who guides you and helps you protect yourself.


48 minutes

Recorded on the day after Father’s Day is a perfect time to gently tune inward for your Inner Papa. Listen for the sacred masculine within you, who guides you and helps you protect yourself. He is inside and you need each other.

During our time of exploration together in this circle, Quynn will share divination and a 15 minute sound journey, that you can use for what you need. The rhythmic sounds replicate REM sleep state and can help you call upon and recognize allies, helpers, teachers and guides who are ready to help you enhance your natural intuitive ability to be guided by benevolent forces of Power. After the drumming there will be time for optional sharing and/or writing. We close with a blessing of protection in all realms.

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