Plant Teacher Wisdom-Journey Circle

Plant Teacher Wisdom-Journey Circle

Through the power of consistent rhythms, explore experiences, visions, insights and messages received in the past, as well as listening for new messages, from the Spirits of Plant Teachers.

Minimum price: $5.00


Join this circle on the first Friday of each month at 5:30pm MST

Expanding one’s natural connections to the multidimensional nature of reality by traveling the rhythms of sound helps us with integrate previous visionary experiences, and helps us prepare for upcoming initiations and messages. This circle offers an opening of the circle, an evocative recorded sound journey consisting of binaural beats, drum, rattle, and nature sounds. ( 20-25 minutes), optional sharing and closing of the circle.

Ways you can benefit during this circle, while safely in your own home:
-Burn, or Drink the tea of, a plant with whom you would like to connect.
-Ask for help with an unintegrated past experience with a visionary plant teacher.
-Explore a question you have with the help of a plant ally that presents itself in your inner world.
-Microdose with your plant teacher for this journey.
-Introduce yourself to the spirit of a visionary Plant Teacher with whom you will be in ceremony in the future.

Our definition of Plant Medicine: All ways in which Plants teach, heal and support us. We include physically medicinal and nourishing plants, visionary plants, and mood balancing plants.


The circle will close to new participants at 5:35pm MST. End time is 6:45pm MST.

Participants are in charge of their own health during this circle. Please be in a comfortable and private space and use headphones/earbuds if you can.

Quynn Red Mountain is your host and guide. Always a student of their Spirit World, and Plants.

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