Soothing Anxiety 3.24

Soothing Anxiety 3.24


44 minutes

This circle is offered from an Animist perspective, that all are a part of the Sacred Web of Life, and everything has a life force, including descending emotions such as Anxiety. This means that we can be in communication with these energies, and negotiate with them for our wellbeing. Quynn plays a gentle drum journey so you can more clearly listen to your Inner World Allies and Ancestors who want to help you calm, center, and tune in to your inner wisdom.

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44 minutes

Anxiety can range from frustrating to debilitating, but have you ever thought of it as a Spirit? What causes the Spirit(s) of Anxiety to descend upon you? Who is your soothing anxiety Ally?

This circle is offered from an Animist perspective, that all are a part of the Sacred Web of Life, and everything has a life force, including descending emotions such as Anxiety. This means that we can be in communication with these energies, and negotiate with them for our wellbeing.

You are welcome to join this soothing circle, guided by Quynn to connect with your Guardian Spirit to counter Anxiety. Quynn plays a gentle drum journey so you can more clearly listen to your Inner World Allies and Ancestors who want to help you calm, center, and tune in to your inner wisdom. After the sound, Quynn shares recaps of people’s shares in the live room.  All are welcome, even those with no journeying or meditation experience.

This circle is included in the Wisdom Within monthly pass (live and recording).

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