Time with your Inner Child

Time with your Inner Child


29 minutes. This is a time to be with your inner child. What do they need from you now? Support, Empowerment, Validation, Love, Fun? Through the journeying process, you can have sacred time with one of your inner selves from years ago.

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29 minutes

This is a time to be with your inner child. What do they need from you now? Support, Empowerment, Validation, Love, Fun? Through the journeying process, you can have sacred time with one of your inner selves from years ago. We can provide our younger selves the empowerment they need to heal and be strong by rescuing them from places they don’t want to be.

The common belief is that our younger selves  are gone and in the “past”. This is not the case. Our past selves are alive and speaking to us through our bodies, minds, emotions, and our reactions to current life experience. With rhythm and intention we can go within to find the young ones we need to return to us.