Earth Web Media is proud to offer “The Sacred Powers of Horse” Shamanic Workshop and Fire Ceremony during the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show 2014!
Humans began to domesticate Horses around 4000 BC, and their domestication is believed to have been widespread by 3000 BC. The earliest archaeological evidence for the domestication of the Horse comes from sites in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. By 2000 BC there was a sharp increase in the number of Horse bones found in human settlements in northwestern Europe, indicating the spread of domesticated Horses throughout the continent. Humans have a long and important relationship with Horses.
The Horse has changed every culture that has come in contact with it. The Horse brought power, stamina and distance to Humanity. Horse has also brought the ability for one culture to dominate another. Genghis Khan’s Empire, The Spanish Conquistadors and the Crusades were made possible by the power of the Horse. Whoever had Horses had Power. However, Power is something that can be used for good or ill. The Horse is pure Power, and that Power helps Humans when we need it.
Today, the Power of Horse is known to be Sacred and Helpful. Interaction with Horses provide psychological benefits to people whether they actually ride or not. “Equine-assisted” or “equine-facilitated” therapy is a form of experiential psychotherapy that uses Horses as companion animals to assist people with mental illness, including anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, mood disorders, behavioral difficulties, and those who are going through major life changes. We are moving into the Chinese Year of the Horse on January 31, 2014 and there is an opportunity to connect with Horses in a helpful “therapeutic” way Saturday, February 1 in Tucson, Arizona.
Join the Institute for the Shamanic Arts and the Wild Purple Ranch for an afternoon of Sacred Connection with two Horses, Bella and Corona, at their home in NW Tucson. AWPR sits just below Sombrero Peak in the Tucson Mountains and is a peaceful setting for our sacred intent.
~Commune with the Horses in their environment
~Experience shamanic drumming while in the presence of the Horses
~Explore your Spirit World connection with Horse
~Let your Dreams and Troubles go up in smoke at a New Year Fire Ceremony
~Start the Year of the Horse with the Sacred Power of Horse!
Where is your soul taking you in this next year? What do you want to leave behind? Horse energy is a perfect guide for these important questions. Now is the time to feel centered in your own unique power! Let Horse help you do that. Read more about this workshop HERE.
This 4 hour special event begins at 11am and ends at 3pm.
We are asking for a minimum donation of $25. Your generous donations help purchase feed and supplies for these horses. Thank you!!!!! Credit/Debit cards can be accepted.
The Horse spirit animal symbolizes personal drive, passion and appetite for freedom. The Horse brings feeling of power and are widespread through most cultures. Horse is linked as an emblem of life-force. Celts hailed the Horse as the beast belonging to their sun god, and assigned it a place with the goddess Epona, Mother Horse goddess of Earth. The wild freedom of the Horse can be harnessed and used to the benefit of the tribe. According to psychologist Carl Jung, horses symbolize natural forces mastered by human beings. The horse is also a strong symbol for sexual expression.
Join Quynn Red Mountain for this shamanically inspired event! Contact Quynn to register!
Here is a Mongolian song for Horse!
Mongolian Horse Dance
The Sacred Powers of Horse
When I bought my first horse in Tucson 23 years ago, the woman I got him from worked at Sierra Tucson (which was a leader in “experiential equine therapy). She wisely told me that “horses are your physical, emotional, and spiritual therapy,” and having owned horses for over 25 years, I know this to be true. I have been certified as a Level 2 EAGALA horse handler (Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association) and have worked with children and adults in therapeutic settings and women’s groups, and with corporate team building. I am so excited to be a participant again! There is so much we can learn when we let others interpret instead of always trying to figure things out ourselves!