What does it mean to shapeshift?
Recently we explored this question through the method of journeying. We chose animal kin in various animal decks and reached out to them.
One deck that we used was the Shapeshifter Tarot deck. This deck was useful in seeing how humans merge characteristics with animals. By doing this, we can employ the use of animal attributes in certain situations.
If one needs confidence, protection, fierceness, calmness, or just to be able to sense in a different way, shifting with an animal can be useful.
As part of our second journey, we attempted to fill one of our body parts with an animal energy. This proved to be very interesting. As we shared our journey stories and looked closely at each other we really could see aspects of the animal energy within each person.
What follows are pictures of body parts where the animal energy was felt.

A resource that provides much valuable information about shapeshifting is called: Deerdancer by Michele Jamal. A quote from this book that is significant is:
“According to legend, from our primal beginnings when life was raw and we knew no separation between instinct, and intellect, between body and spirit, humans had an intimate, inspired relationship with the animal kingdom. Two-leggeds knew other animals as kin, and all had the ability to interchange shapes.”

There will be more shapeshifting to come as the Institute for the Shamanic Arts is planning a spring shapeshifting event. Stay tuned for more information and get ready to honor your animal allies and kin!
Back in Jan. 2011, ISA held such an event and here is a comment about that last event:
Shapeshifter is one of the best events I have attended. It was moving and magical, the synchronicity of all the attendees was amazing. This type of event allows positive energy for healing us, our animal kin and mother earth. This is an absolute necessity for all of us looking for healing, love and peace within the Shamanic Community. Thanks to everyone who participated last night for making it so special.
For more information about ISA’s events please see our Meetup page at: