Soul Restoration is a Necessary Part of Healing.
What do we mean when we speak of Soul Restoration?~
We believe that our Soul or Essence is, was, or wants to be, whole. Due to living through personal, cultural and ancestral traumas, our personal and ancestral Soul have been injured, lost, taken and disrespected. These injuries affect people and generations in detrimental ways in body, mind, spirit and on Earth. With kind attention and time, these wounds can be tended and one’s Soul can slowly restore itself to a new normal. Many modalities, practices, ceremonies and allies can assist one in this sacred and challenging Self/Family/Community/Land Healing quest.
There are many ways to speak and believe about this subject but Web of Life shares these few ideas:
One could see that there are two general forms of Soul Loss/Wounds, experienced by many sensitive people. Multi-Generational Soul Wounds and Soul Injuries from Trauma experienced in one’s life. Both are uniquely damaging to the human essence, yet there are Animist healing practices that can assist sensitive people in healing/soothing/tending each individually or mixed with each other.
Multi-Generational Soul Wounds– Depending on one’s heritage, a person with sensitivities to emotion/spirit/nature may have many generations of ancestors who hid their true self to avoid oppression (if they were able to avoid or hide from it), “passed” to survive, or had to fight/flight/freeze to live through horrifying times. These behaviors of survival are passed down through the generations, creating feelings of separation, anger and depression in people today.
Also, growing up in this culture causes many people with Animist hearts to doubt their natural connection to the world around them. This ancestral separation creates soul loss and cultural amnesia. In order for a seeker to experience emotional freedom and reconnect with their inner worlds and the world around her/him, each person must heal their ancestral soul wounds, and from the various forms of past trauma that so many have experienced.
Personal Trauma can be caused by many life experiences, and can significantly damage the soul of a sensitive person for the rest of their life if not tended/soothed/healed. Animist practices, such as using the conscious activation of our dreaming mind, connecting with the sacred beings in this physical world, and accessing our helpful Ancestors and Inner Healers, can significantly find, listen to and tend festering soul wounds caused by many types of trauma.
You are able to engage in sacred time traveling to reconnect with a part of you that needs you now. Each Younger You that is still unresolved, shut down or scared affects you NOW.
It is possible to be guided within your inner world to recruit a Spirit Ally who is can help you find a younger part of you who experienced a soul wound that is affecting you now. You are strong enough now to use the rhythms of rattle and drum to help you journey to travel back into various time loops (“places” where your Self is stuck) to retrieve your younger self that was separated 10, 20, 40 years ago.
When you are able to help them, him or her, you help yourself live more fully as your authentic self as the adult or elder you are. Your Spirit Guides are waiting to help you do this work. There are Allies from the Spirit World who are perfect for this job. Call upon them and they will come.
Are you called to learn how to share Soul Restoration with others? Quynn offers a Spirit Bridge Training. See below.
Healing is your birthright. Claim it.
“I saw Quynn to try to restore myself to the man I was before a tour in a war zone as a US Marine. She not only enabled me to get past traumatic experiences in theater she also realized from the very beginning of our session a childhood trauma that related to similar feelings in a no win action. She helped me resolve these conflicts and evict them from my soul like old filth, which they are. In essence, she helped me save myself. A truly unique experience.”
Options for Soul Restoration Healing

Healing the Ties That Bind-Soul Restoration
The “ties that bind” are those family related issues that drag you down, hold you back or compromise your happiness.

Soul Restoration Healing Course
This dynamic course consists of 5 one hour audio workshops with supportive guidance and rhythm journeys. Each are related to important subject areas of Soul Healing and Restoration from an Animist perspective. Narrated and guided by Quynn. Mobile streaming & Download enabled.

Online Inner Child Retrieval Personal Session
Your Allies and Quynn will help you connect with your younger self to learn what needs to happen so they can return to you.
Offered by requested sliding scale of $25 (no current income)-$150.
Enter amount in field below.