Summer Personal Enhancement Series and Autumn Trainings

Coming down from the Wolf Vibe

I have recently returned from the high mountains (9.000 ft) in eastern Arizona with good memories, and a heart and brain full of downloads, ideas, and intentions about ways to honor the Web of Life (including Wolves), and strengthen the web of Earth honoring People in my community (that includes YOU).  Now it is time to put these ideas and intentions into action.  I am grateful for the opportunity.

Coming to terms with where we are…

Recently,I have seen the needs of Earth Honoring People shifting.  There is mounting stress as well as intensity and depth of emotion. We seek connection to stay strong as pressures mount. Many of us feel a deeper pull to the beauty of our Earth as well as a sense of the real pain of our Kin.  The need to ground and clear is real. We are people who feel the worlds deeply and while it can be so difficult to “be this way”, ultimately, it is a blessing.

I have been asking my Self and my Guides “What is needed most right now and How can I best be of service?”, right after asking “What in the world will happen next?!”

In the moments of NOW, I feel that We are being called. I certainly feel the call! I am called to adjust, adapt and shift what I think, feel and do in my world. I am also putting out the call for us to find a way to strengthen our web of connection around and within us.   In response to these callings (felt very strongly in the highlands of Arizona in June), I am honing in on Earth Web Media’s offerings that best serve the needs of our communities NOW.

I have gotten a clear message that “we” need more confident Animists in our culture(s) because those of us who hear the Trees and sense other Beings…well we have special needs (in the BEST sense!) and we need to better know how to take care of each other. We also are being strongly called to be Guardians for our Earth and we each have a special role in that endeavor.

To assist in the strengthening of  People in our Communities,Earth Web Media hosts ceremonial healing events and in depth programs that offer People opportunities to connect with others of like-heart, heal soul wounds, strengthen natural abilities, as well as receive mentorship and training to become Animist Healing Practitioners in their Human Communities and Nature Guardians for the Sacred Web of Life.

I am honored to share these Offerings-

Summer Personal Empowerment Series with Quynn Red Mountain

Below are two great opportunities to enhance your intuition and strengthen your connection with your unique Inner World.  You are invited to participate in my upcoming Personal Development workshop series.  Online and in Tucson participants are welcome!

Explore your Inner World begins this Sunday! Please join me!! :)

For anyone interested in participating in either of the Animist Soul Medic (6 months Online and in 3 weekends in Tucson) or Nature Guardian Trainings (12 months /5 camping weekends in southern AZ) in the autumn of 2017, these series (bellow) satisfy the prerequisite requirement. 

Explore your Inner World 7 Week series  In Tucson and Online-

Dates: Seven Sundays In Tucson and ONLINE WITH QUYNN-
July 9 2017 , 16, 23 and 30, August 6, 13, 20  2017  10-11:30am MST

Seven 1 hour (approx) mp3 workshops guide you to connect with your own personal Spirit World.  Each of the seven topics is addressed in each live meeting.  mp3s and live sessions offer guided meditation and drum journey. 

1)Gathering Spirit Guides

2)Your World Tree

3)Your Three Worlds

4)Spirit World Mapping

5)Down the Rabbit Hole-Exploring your Under/Lower World

6)Middle World Navigation and Upper World Blessings

7)Wisdom of the Four Directions

$99 for 7 week series (includes a zip file of over 7 hours of audio workshops)
$80  If you have already purchased the Full E-course ($5 off coupon code “gratitude” for those who already purchased the E-course)

I want this series to be as accessible as possible, so if you feel called to participate, yet this amount of money is challenging right now, reach out to meand we can find something that does work for you.

Register HERE.

Tucson and ONLINE- Snake, Butterfly, Wolf and Beaver- Four Week Shamanic Intuition Training
Four Monday evenings July 17, 24, 31 and August 7  6:30-8:30pm

What is transforming? What are the gifts that you want to expand? Where do you need to grow and leave your old skin behind? What are you ready to hunt, and what wants to be built by you? How are you becoming your New Self?

Snake, Butterfly, Wolf and Beaver are perfect summer teachers as we embark on guided meditations and journeys to the Spirit World for needed guidance. Each week focuses on one of the four animals, and includes meditative and journeying experiences.

$48-$96 sliding scale ($12-$24 per part, depending on your financial situation). 
Sliding scale buttons available at this link Register HERE

Autumn Training Series are Coming

I am humbled and excited to be offering two new Training series, both online and in Tucson, that approach Shamanic Animism from two important views.   I designed each of these programs to guide and hold space as you ask within for messages about your unique and personal path with Humans, and with the Beings of Nature (as if we are separate!).  By doing this work together we experience our common threads and are more able to be strong leaders as we bring our ideas forth in our world.  If you know of someone who might benefit, please pass this info along.




What is a Soul Medic?  
An Animist who is committed to utilizing their skills to hold sacred space for their Earth Honoring Kin using peer-to-peer tools (see description).  An Animist Soul Medic is capable of holding space for those in need of spiritual support due to living in the dominant culture and in challenging life situations. Trained Animist Soul Medics utilize spiritual tools and ceremonies for clearing and balancing within Self and Communities.

The dominant culture has been detrimental, dangerous and deadly to Mystics, Intuitives, Blended Spirits, Witches and Healers of the diverse Peoples around the world commonly called Shamanic, Animist and Pagan.  Many have been made to believe they are crazy, wrong, weird or evil for hearing the Earth Spirits and the Ancestors. As we remember who we are and the necessity of our medicine skills for a sick world, we are called to heal our soul wounds and competently train ourselves in the ways available to us.  In the Web of Life Animist tradition, teachings and guidance come from Human teachers, as well as Nature Spirits, Non-Physical Teachers and Ancestors.  

Calling those walking the nature, shamanic, witch and pagan paths who have been called by the ancestors to be a Soul Medic for your community. You are already intuitively doing this work, so we call you to step into the role more consciously and carefully. Animist Soul Medics are needed to tend the spiritual needs of our Earth Loving, Pagan, Animist, Witch and Queer communities.   Is this you?

Details about 6 month online program-  
Details about 3 weekends in Tucson program

This is the first time I will be offering this new training, and I look forward to working with those who feel called to expand their healing work in this way. There are 2 trade positions available for those with certain skills (social media related)- if this interests you, please reach out!


“Nature has been my greatest teacher. Everything I have become and will be is because I have been able to get quiet and listen for the teachings that ride the winds.  My extensive time in Nature has been a powerful teacher. I have learned so much by being quiet and listening. I now know that I am a part of a strong “WE” that is always present with me. It is time to share this simple truth with those ready to experience it.” Quynn Red Mountain

As we remember how to be with the Web of Life we are able to hold more Sacred Power to make beneficial Change in our personal and community life, as well as in our relationship with Mother Earth.  This series offers an opportunity to become more connected with the Spirits of Nature wherever you find yourself in the world, so that you can tune in to the worlds within you and the Beings around you.  Join me in this amazing and empowering journey as you reconnect with the powerful teachers surrounding you!

5 Group Camping Weekends/12 month Training Adventure with Quynn :

Maximum 8 participants for 5 rustic camping experiences in three different elevations in the Sonoran Desert. Each participant brings their own sleeping supplies. Two vegetarian dinners are provided each weekend. 

Camping Dates:   October 27-29 2017, December 8-10, March 2-4 2018, June 8-10 and September 21-23
Camping Locations: Private land 30 miles west of Tucson, AZ (Oct, Dec and March), Public land in the White Mountains, eastern AZ (4.5 hours from Tucson) (June), Public Land 2 hours east of Tucson (September)

Camping weekends include:

  • Two nights under the dark sky, two days under the strong sun of the Sonoran desert
  • Incredible opportunities to honor and connect with three different elevation camping areas
  • Time for personal reflection, ceremony and connecting with the Nature Beings around you
  • Shamanic Journeys, Drumming, Meditation, Hiking, Wandering and Listening
  • Group meals, daily circles and ceremony time with Quynn
Details available HERE.
I look forward to working with those who feel called to expand their Sacred Nature with me. There is 1 trade position available for someone with certain skills (social media related)- if this interests you, please reach out! 

Friends of Web of Life practice 
Full Circle Animism– 

We practice the ancient human tools that consistently show themselves in Earth honoring cultures, including: honoring the sacred circle, activating trance with a consistent rhythm, dreaming, honoring the Earth and Sky cycles, elements and directions in Nature, intuition, trance, soul restoration, ritual, interaction with spirit world, ceremony, divination, storytelling, connecting with animal and plant allies, blessings/prayers, dance and sacred singing.  Each person consults their own Spirit Guides about how to practice these arts.

This path is for anyone, but especially for anyone who is the first generation in their family, after numerous generations of silence/denial, who openly seeks animistic understanding to heal their soul wounds, and to feel their connection with the Sacred Web of Life.  In this way we come Full Circle. It is understood that the Spirit World teaches and guides each person in their healing, and each Animist in their sacred art.  In these times we are called to remember what our ancestors knew, and then create what is needed in our communities from our reviving shamanic and animist hearts. Welcome home.  We all Belong.

There are many pages of information available to read, listen and watch at   Take a wander and see what interests you:)

There are many ways to connect. 

Online= Journeys, Courses (Live and recorded), Personal Sessions and Trainings. Find out more

In Person=Check out our group at to see the current calendar 

Have a question or request? Do you wonder if a training is a good fit for you? Email me!

Blessings to you, I look forward to connecting!

Quynn Red Mountain