Wolf Spirit Camp Multimedia Recap

For a week in June of 2017, ISA hosted a camping event in the White Mountains of AZ to honor WOLF.  This area is a Mexican Grey Wolf Reintroduction Area and  approximately 113 wolves live here, with the protection of Arizona Game and Fish Department and  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  These Wolves need spiritual support from humans. We are those humans.

As Animists and Earth Lovers we know that Wolves are an important part of the sacred Web of Life. Our time in this sacred land was to replenish ourselves, get to know the animals and plants of this place, and to be prayerfully present in this sanctuary (one of a few in the country) of the Power of WOLF.

Below is a multimedia recap of some highlights experienced during the weeklong experience. People came for two-seven days and a few of them contributed their voices and song in honor of our cousin Wolf. We honored a local water spring, and on Summer Solstice we created a labyrinth out of Pine Cones and Sticks, and walked together with those present at this moment (as seen below in the video of the FB live stream.

Thanks to all who participated, to those who wanted to attend but could not, and all those thinking good thoughts for Wolf! Hope to commune with more Wolf Lovers next summer~