Animism = We are all Connected

Our Church shares services online and in Tucson, AZ
Circles for Grief, Spirit World Reclamation & Soul Tending, LGBTQ Restoration, Pastoral Counseling, Intuitive Readings, Earthing Gatherings & Healing Sessions for Earth honoring People.

We are all a part of the sacred changes unfolding now. “Spirituality” is enacted through Social, Racial, Gender and Eco Justice. Thoughts and actions make Change, by all of us together. We are the flame that our ancestors have carried as embers for generations.

“I am deeply grateful for the guidance and teachings of Web of Life. Learning side by side with radiant beings also on the path of healing was encouraging. I was able to address some deeply engrained doubt and stigma and I feel my ancestral connection to my Mexican and Ukranian magik has been restored. These lessons have changed my life journey for the better and I can’t thank you enough. “

Anya-Spirit Bridge Practitioner and Animist Minister

Join our Online Circles and our Online Live or Recorded Courses

  • Hone your ability to listen to the worlds within and around you
  • Release the tendrils of Colonization Sickness
  • Connect with your Inner Imaginal Dream Mind
  • Tend needed personal and ancestral healing so we can become better caretakers of our sacred Web of Life 
  • Benefit from the collective wisdom of your fellow Animists through shared experiences

My faith has never had a name, but your words on Animism come pretty darn close to my experiences of our world.

– Celebrated Circle Participant

Nature of Reality
We often think that Nature is “out there”. It’s time to remember that YOU ARE NATURE.
– Spirit Bridge Practitioner Neon Gnosis

Connect with Healing Allies in kind, Earth honoring Community

Wherever you are in your life’s path, it can be so helpful to tend to your Mind, Body and Spirit with the power of rhythm, meditation and imagination. Explore your Inner World for the Soul Restoration, Spiritual Guidance and Soul Healing you need right now in circles of kindred spirits.

Online circles are offered by skilled Animist Ministers in their area of experience. Join us!

Web of Life YOUniversity –
Tend, Heal & Serve Self and Others

Join in live circles and trainings, as well as recorded courses, to reconnect with your inner wisdom, heal personal and ancestral wounds, hone our skills of intuition and be your own version of an Earth and Justice Protector. Participate in collective navigation through these times, in your own unique way.

See “Offerings” for recorded workshops, books and courses, as well as live Training opportunities.

We host New and Full Moon Labyrinth Walks in Tucson, AZ (Tohono O’odham land)

We host labyrinth walks in parks of Tucson, AZ for New and Full Moons each month. We walk the labyrinth shown above on Full Moons, and we walk a “Nested Hearts” Labyrinth on New Moons. Find them at the Events calendar.

We look forward to honoring the moon and walking together soon! You are so welcome to join us and bring other kindreds.

WE – The Beginner’s Field Guide to Full Circle Animism

Explore an experiential journey reawakening Animist ancestry and intuitive gifts through Earth-honoring practices. Written for the ‘after times’ of crisis and colonization, this guide invites all backgrounds to explore self-healing and soul connection in harmony with the sacred Web of Life.

$13.00 – Print copy, autographed by Qyunn

Full Moon Luminous Labyrinth, Photo by Dorothea

Header graphic created using Canva art. Additional elements of this website, including images, were created in collaboration with generative AI.

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