Activating the 2012 Earth and Sky People Congress

“Listening to the wind holds value.
The trees want to share their knowledge.
We are not crazy when we hear voices.
We are bringing the strengths of the past into the present.
The future is in our hands.”

Quynn Red Mountain

“All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”

Arthur Schopenhauer


Unexplained, and Otherworldly, an experience in my 26th year called me to the path of the shamanic arts and forced me to look within.  I say ‘forced’ on purpose.  I would not have chosen to seek this world so young if I had not been made to pay attention.  While there is no scientific proof, I know that I was contacted by someone/something beyond this world and dimension.  It came in the night. My physical body was left with wounds. However, my spirit and mind were activated in a way I could not have imagined at the time. 

This was not my first ‘contact’.  A few days after this unexplained event, I experienced hypnosis for the first time to help me remember what happened.  Very quickly I found myself having sensations that were familiar.  Memories flooded me while trying to find answers.  Sudden feelings, taste, light and sounds were undeniable, all had visited me in dreams as a child.   They were so familiar, yet without words to describe them. 

After having the revelation that my recent physical contact had a connection with those who came to me many times as a child, all fear vanished and I knew that ‘it would all be ok and all will be revealed in time’.  This benevolent visitation set a  whole new life in motion, yet I decided to not talk about this part of my spiritual experience.  It all sounded to crazy.  However, “crazy” or not, in meditation they have since told me there was a time as a child they ‘contacted’ me, to protect me.  As an adult they ‘activated’ me.  Then they told me they “would be back”.

Now, in 2012, I have been told it is time to stop hiding. It is time to claim my connections, and honor the experiences of those around me.  I am not alone. We are not alone. It is time to ask to join the circle of friendly Star/Light/Dimensional Beings that are reaching out to us, whoever we may be, and wherever they may be.  Children, Elders, Men, Women, Straight, Two-Spirit, All Colors…we are all connected.  It is time to use our spiritually trained minds while we listen to the consistent beat of a drum and a rattle.  These simple sounds have been used for thousands of years to alter human brainwaves to open pathways to other realms of Reality.  We hear the drum beat and our Dreaming Mind awakens.  In this place, our heart opens, preparing us for sacred listening, complex understanding, and mutual cultural respect with any being that has our highest good. This article by Sue Jamieson and the late Dr. John E. Mack  (originally published by © Shamanism, Journal of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Spring/Summer 2003, Vol. 16, No. 1.) describes similarities and differences between an experience with the shamanic journey, and one of Star People ‘contact’. They also share information from varies cultures and tribes about their own Star People connections.  They writeMany indigenous shamans and medicine people, such as Ipu and Cleicha Peixoto, Sequoyah Trueblood, Credo Mutwa, Dhyani Ywahoo, Godfrey Chips, Standing Elk, and Wallace Black Elk, openly acknowledge UFO encounters as part of their reality and speak easily of myths and legends telling of peoples that come from the sky or the stars. According to Osage legends, some Osage lived in the sky, way beyond the Earth.3 The Cherokee, or as they call themselves, Tsalagi, trace their origins to the star group known as the Pleiades, or Seven Dancers,4 as do the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota peoples. The Colombian Amazon Desana say that in the beginning of time, their ancestors arrived on the Earth in canoes from the sky.5 The name of a small tribe in Brazil, Uru-e-Wau-Wau, means literally “people from the stars.”6 “Extraterrestrial” landings and interactions are commonly spoken of by these peoples. 7 According to African lore, “star people” have come from the heavens in “magic sky boats” for thousands of years. The great Zulu warrior king, Shaka, was said to have been “kidnapped” by the mantindane (the “gray beings”).8

Join with those who have had ‘contact’ with benevolent Star People/Dimensional Beings, and those who represent the best of Humanity, for the 2012 Earth and Sky People Congress in Tucson, AZ.  The Institute for the Shamanic Arts will host such gatherings as 2012 progresses.   As a group we will create a sacred circle and, while listening to the shamanic drumbeat, we will activate our crystalline nature to prepare for messages from wise guides of other realms. Emotional Safety and Intercultural/dimensional Ethics are of high priority.

Please ask yourself if you are called to participate. If called, please bring your open heart and uncluttered mind.  Whether you have experienced a ‘shamanic journey’ before, we need people in this circle who listen to the Realms, and who are comfortable with their own ‘quiet mind’. This gathering will be guided by Quynn Red Mountain and Elisabeth Black.   Spirit Guided Donations will be accepted to help Earth Web Media continue its programs and services.

“A thing does not therefore cease to be true because it is not accepted by many.”
Benedict Spinoza

INCLUDED BELOW IS AN OUTLINE OF CIRCLES AND CEREMONIES OFFERED BETWEEN JANUARY 28 AND FEBRUARY 12. For more detailed information as it comes available, please go to our meetup calendar


Earth and Sky People Congress

Saturday January 28  6:30pm  “Star Being Procession- Bird People, Insectoids and You” with Elisabeth, Jacob and Quynn

Friday, February 3     7pm  Rhythm Portals– Explore the realms with vibrational, binaural and harmonic sound for helpful messages from wise guides. This is a participatory circle with Quynn.

Saturday, February 4  11-1:30  Warrior Heart – rhythmic soul retrieval- with Quynn

                                     Evening- Earth and Star People Congress- ACTIVATION


Sunday, February 5     11-1  SJ circle  Star Teacher Blessingswith Quynn

                                     2-5  Healing Arts Sampler with ISA Practitioners in Training

Monday, February 6   6:30pm- Star Being Messages with Elisabeth-

Tuesday, February 7   5:30pm- Full Moon Labyrinth at Unity Church with Shannon-

 Friday, February 10    7pm   Rhythmic Portals–  Explore the realms with vibrational, binaural and harmonic sound for helpful messages from wise guides. This is a participatory circle with Quynn

 Saturday, February 11     11-1:30  Circle of Green Tara (the luminous emerald-green, light-being Buddha of action!)with Alyson

                                        3-5pm   “Shamanic Herstory Exploration” with Elisabeth- 

 Sunday, February 12 11-1:30pm  SJ CircleDream Guides – with Quynn  

                                  5-8pm  Earth and Sky People Congress-  CRYSTAL BLESSING AND GRATITUDE CEREMONY




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