GREETINGS FROM TUCSON, ARIZONA! Winter Solstice 2012 is upon us. Some people think they know what will happen, while others wait in anticipation for what might be. Whatever happens, We are here. We are alive. We are the ones who decide what It is for Us. It is, and will be, what We make of It.
Attunement means to bring into harmony with, to be In Tune. For this night, we open a space of attunement for any and all who want to be in vibrational and energetic harmony with other benevolent beings as the old era falls away and the new era unfolds.
Kati Astraeir of Solar Culture will share the sounds of her crystal singing bowls.
ISA drummers will drum a traveling journey for all.

Celebrate your New Era by dressing to express your Spirit!
Door opens at 8:30pm. We begin at 9pm.
Donations are accepted.
From Allen Smith “Open to the truth of our world as pure potentiality,where creativity and joy make all things Light.”
More info about presenters:
Allen Smith of Rainbow Didge Music & Hilarion Sciences.
In a sleeping dream, Allen was given instant mastery about the sometimes difficult task of circular breathing, that is required for playing the Australian Aboriginal Didgeridoo. It is the quitesential instrument that represents their creation myth of the Dream Time. And Allen is a master player that brings a non-local consciousness to our physical world as a Clarion Call of Awakening.
Phillip Cash Cash
“My traditional Cayuse/Nez Perce name is Píitamyanon Maqs Máqs ‘Yellowhawk’ and my english name is Phillip Cash Cash. I hail from the sacred Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon where I was raised by my elders. I was first initiated into the medicine society as a young person and am only one in a handful who continue to follow the wéhyekin or “spirit guardian tradition”. Presently, I am a PhD student at the UofA and have been residing in Tucson for the past 10 years.”
Kati Astraeir is a mystical and visionary artist in Tucson. She and her partner Steve Eye keep the Tucson Art Hub “Solar Culture” and its expanding “Complex” of warehouse art studios on Toole Ave. running beautifully.
Quynn Red Mountain was called to shamanize in 1996 and is a shamanic practitioner (she has been taught “her ways” of shamanizing by her Spirit World). In 1999 she founded the Institute for the Shamanic Arts to help others learn ‘their ways’ of the Spirit. Find out more about her at
This experience is brought to you by Quynn Red Mountain of ISA, Allen Smith of Rainbow Didge Music, and Solar Culture. Thanks to Phil for being open to share. Thanks to Kati of Solar Culture for creating such a beautiful “Attunement” image (at top).