Archives: Events

There are two ways to receive the entry link to join an online circle.

1) Scroll to the bottom of the event you want to attend, and purchase a ticket. The link is in the confirmation email.

1) Scroll down past the description and look for “Details” and then “Website”. Click on the link to our group in to rsvp there. Once you rsvp, you will see the entry link.

Listening to the Spirit(s) of your Anger(s)-Online Circle

Online event

**Anger** one definition is: the feeling people get when something unfair, painful or bad happens:* There are many valid reasons for anger in this moment. No one does not experience anger and each person expresses, restrains and denies Anger differently. How do we create ways and spaces to approach, hold space and find actions for […]

New Moon Luminous GODDESS & Spiral Labyrinth Walk- Tucson

Reid Park Tucson

We invite you to walk around the edge of the Goddess and Spiral of Light between dusk and 7pm AZ, as a walking meditation for you and your loved ones. All People are welcome. We offer Blessings and Flower Petals as offerings, if so desired. We will be at Reid park in the NW corner […]