Archives: Events

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Autumnal Equinox Ritual Ceremony-hosted by Linda

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Dancing our day and night into balance, the Mother Sun shines directly on the Equator this day. We acknowledge this autumnal transition during the final harvest time and reflect on impermanence. It is a call from Gaia to slow down and gently observe, the releasing of leaves that show us how to let go. Until […]

Personal Sessions with Quynn-Available by Spirit Guided Donation Today

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

These are Personal Sessions with Quynn. To schedule, please post your desired time in the comments below. If you only RSVP and do not confirm time, you are NOT scheduled. Imagine the elements of our Sacred Earth coming together to assist you on your Healing Path. It is a perfect time for a clearing, soul/spirit […]

Inner Child Retrieval-Personal Sessions with Quynn

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

"inner child"A person's original or true self, especially when regarded as wounded or concealed by negative childhood experiences. You are able to engage in sacred time traveling to reconnect with a part of you that needs you now. Each Younger You that is still unresolved, shut down or scared affects you NOW. In this private […]

Dandelion, Columbine, Buttercup YELLOWS with Elisabeth Black

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Tonight we commune with YELLOWS! That means beautiful Columbine, often unappreciated Dandelion, and unassuming Buttercup. Come explore these wonders. Devas are spirits in nature which most of us humans can't see. They are protectors and guardians of nature and help maintain it. In these once a month circles, we work with Devas through plants, trees, […]

Reiki Personal Sessions with Sofia-Offered by Donation

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

I'm Sofia. I felt the call to become a Reiki practitioner a long time ago but many years of self work and healing were needed in order for me to be here today as a Usui Reiki Master. I am passionate about health physically and mentally and always driven to be of service. Yo, soy […]

OOlah-Healing Circle with Quynn

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Quynn’s name for her role is OOlah-One Who Balances, given to her by her Spirit Guides.We all need healing of Anger, Regret, Self-Doubt, Fear...Tending personal and ancestral soul wounds takes time, and the healing process comes in big and small pieces. This circle is offered as an opportunity to tune in to your healing of […]

Sacred Cacao and Storytelling Circle for Womxn- Hosted by Gisela

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

The stories we carry—about ourselves, where we’ve been and where we’re going—have the power to hurt or to heal us. Are you feeling ready to revise some of your stories? To release what doesn’t serve you and craft a narrative that empowers and heals? Then please join your hosts Gisela and Danielle for this womxn’s […]

A Listening Ear (Personal Sessions)

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

"A listening ear." Sometimes we just need someone to hold space for all the words in our heads that want to get out and be heard. Are you feeling a block in your throat chakra? Do you feel stifled or sore? Do you ever feel like your silently screaming into the void and noone is […]

Personal Sessions with Quynn-Soul Restoration, Clearings, Readings

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

These sessions can happen in person at the Web of Life, or online/phone. Today Quynn is available for personal sessions, which can be a Clearing, a Soul Restoration session (Inner Child, Past Life, Soul Healing) or a full intuitive divination Reading with the I Ching (Quynn has worked with the I Ching for over 25 […]

Circle for Dream and Dimensional Travelers-Online/In Tucson

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

This circle is for those who dream, who travel in time and space in dreams, those who receive teachings in dreams. Do you have a recurring dream?Do you remember a childhood dream?Has a dream stuck with you?Do you want to strengthen your dreaming? Our Dreams are powerful tools, a gift to us before birth into […]

Clearing and Protection Circle- in Tucson/Online

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

In this 1 hour circle, Quynn offers a clearing prayer, a guided meditation and then a drum clearing for protection in one’s life. Sensitive People often and regularly pick up and perceive energies that are not helpful. Clear away what is not yours and more strongly protect what is important. This is a time to […]

Breathwork Healing-Personal Session with Amy

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Amy offers 1 hour private breathwork and Reiki sessions for individuals and couples at the Web of Life. To schedule her available appointment today, contact Amy at 520-975-3248 or to confirm. If you do not receive confirmation of your appt, you are not scheduled. Other days and times are available. Appointment today:6pm-Available During a […]

Reiki Personal Sessions with Sofia-Offered by Donation

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

I'm Sofia. I felt the call to become a Reiki practitioner a long time ago but many years of self work and healing were needed in order for me to be here today as a Usui Reiki Master. I am passionate about health physically and mentally and always driven to be of service. Yo, soy […]

Star (Dark) Moon Labyrinth of Light at 2016 E Broadway

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

The time of no moon is the best time to connect with the stars, and to potentially see STAR LIGHT in the city! The light of our labyrinth will guide our walk, and the stars above will guide our path as we travel through the dark time of life. Each walker has a personal experience, […]

Personal Sessions with Quynn-Soul Restoration, Clearings, Readings

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

These sessions can happen in person at the Web of Life, or online/phone. Today Quynn is available for personal sessions, which can be a Clearing, a Soul Restoration session (Inner Child, Past Life, Soul Healing) or a full intuitive divination Reading with the I Ching (Quynn has worked with the I Ching for over 25 […]

Animist Recovery Circle-Spirits of Addiction

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

This monthly circle is for those who are in active Recovery* from addiction. Together we open a safe circle and call upon a strong and helpful ally who can be helpful in one's Recovery. The focus of this circle is to learn more about the Spirit(s) that feed one's addiction and learn helpful ways to […]

Animist Family Hour

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Each month we offer this time for earth honoring families. Bring your children, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews and have fun. Connect with other Animist families. This Animist Family Hour is offered by sliding scale of $10-$20 per family. Aunt Elisabeth (a certified, fingerprinted teacher) will be your hostess. We will explore the topic through drumming/rattling, […]

New Moon RAVEN CLEARINGS with Quynn

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us


League of Lightbearers-A Manifestation Circle

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

We'll be focusing our energy on crafting precise affirmations to manifest what we want to experience in our reality. Calling all Light Workers: This is an invitation to rise above feelings of impotence and helplessness about the state of the world and our Individual lives. Acknowledge your internal Super Hero and join the League of […]

Between the Binary- Access your Intuitive Abilities within your Balanced Self

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

This introspective circle is for those who feel, and want to access, the parts of themselves who are beyond, or both, masculine and feminine. Whether you feel the two energies clearly within you, or you want to activate/explore your masculine or feminine side and what is in this circle we will ask these parts […]

Dandelion, Columbine, Buttercup YELLOWS with Elisabeth Black

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Tonight we commune with YELLOWS! That means beautiful Columbine, often unappreciated Dandelion, and unassuming Buttercup. Come explore these wonders. Devas are spirits in nature which most of us humans can't see. They are protectors and guardians of nature and help maintain it. In these once a month circles, we work with Devas through plants, trees, […]

Nature Deva Flower Essences with Elisabeth Black

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Today we commune with YELLOWS! That means beautiful Columbine, often unappreciated Dandelion, and unassuming Buttercup. Come explore these wonders. Devas are spirits in nature which most of us humans can't see. They are protectors and guardians of nature and help maintain it. In these once a month circles, we work with Devas through plants, trees, […]

Mindful Body Awareness with Michele

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

In this one hour session we focus on self care through posture, breath work, beginners meditation and awareness of our body through basic stretches, and poses that focus on balance and flexibility on a beginners level. All body types, all ages are welcome. Please let Michele know about any injuries. Chairs are available. It is […]

Inner Child Retrieval-Personal Sessions with Quynn

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

"inner child"A person's original or true self, especially when regarded as wounded or concealed by negative childhood experiences. You are able to engage in sacred time traveling to reconnect with a part of you that needs you now. Each Younger You that is still unresolved, shut down or scared affects you NOW. In this private […]

Citizens’ Circle- Meditate Together for a More Perfect Union!

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Gathering of Hearts & MindsFor Meditation and Invocation of a More Perfect Union Non-Partisan, Non-Denominational-E pluribus unum- Election interference, deportations, family separation, walls between neighbors, rising temperatures and rising tempers…. What are peace and justice loving Americans to do? Let us join together to meditate on the rhythm of breath and heartbeat** ~Energize the power […]

Full Gender Spectrum-LGBTQ Animist Spirit Circle

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

This circle is open to anyone who feels they are Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, in between, or beyond, the gender binary, and who feel have, or may have, an Animist Spirit. Quynn, a blended spirited Animist Practitioner (they/she), will share Divination so each person can focus their intention to tend and focus on what […]

Animist Circle for Grief

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

Grief* is a crushing, yet apparently necessary, part of being Human. We feel grief in our personal lives, in our families, communities, nations and on a planetary level. I use the word "crushing" because there is a transformative quality to Grief, and if we can consciously travel through it, however long it takes, we can […]

Personal Sessions with Quynn-Soul Restoration, Clearings, Readings

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

These sessions can happen in person at the Web of Life, or online/phone. Today Quynn is available for personal sessions, which can be a Clearing, a Soul Restoration session (Inner Child, Past Life, Soul Healing) or a full intuitive divination Reading with the I Ching (Quynn has worked with the I Ching for over 25 […]

Animal Messages for Mindfulness and Healing-In Tucson/Online

2016 E Broadway Blvd 2016 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United States

Our animal kin are always in the moment. We have much to learn from their ways of existence so in this circle we will listen and feel these messages. In this 1 hour circle, Divination, Guided Meditation and Drum Journey are our tools for insight and reflection. Those with all levels of journeying and meditative […]

Animist Recovery Support Circle

Web of Life Animist church 2016 E Broadway Blvd., Tucson, az, us

This circle is for those who are actively tending their recovery from addictions. No circle on Nov 29 Finding solutions through your internal wisdom.This unique offering combines drumming, journeying and sharing, as a means to explore your interior landscape of recovery. Connect with your recovery allies, your sobriety guides and ancestors through meditations and soundscapes. […]

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