Healing Practitioner (Spirit Bridge) Trainings begin May 2021

For many, the last year has deepened a desire to strengthen their intuitive gifts and be of service to the community. Web of Life Animists offers two 12-month online trainings beginning in May, and those ready to explore and practice their own brew of intuitive work are invited to apply. Both trainings consist of four online hours a month, for 12 months. No “homework”. A sliding scale is available for payment. Scholarship opportunities for LGBTQ and BIPoC practitioners who want to serve their communities with their gifts. Online format is perfectly suited to intuitive/empathic training and the Animist approach is inclusive and Earth honoring. Please share this opportunity with anyone who might benefit.

Please note: In our Web of Life trainings and community, we use the title “Spirit Bridge” for what other trainings tend to call “Shamanic Practitioner”.

Spirit Bridge Healing Practitioner Training, Level 1, will begin Saturday, May 1

This training will teach participants to become personal and ancestral healing practitioners through working closely with their internal guidance system (allies, ancestors, guardians) and the sacred web of life. Personal healing work and skilled instruction guide participants to be empowered to share their gifts with others, while employing protection practices.  Learn to trust the ways you receive guidance and insight!

Quynn’s training series helped me to string together the pieces in my life that I now better perceive as Intuitive Gifts, and provided the space to explore them.

 Through this process, I have connected more with the sacred knowledge that is always available to me, but that I have lacked courage to explore at times.

Past participants

Spirit Bridge Healing Practitioner Training, Year 2, will begin Sunday, May 2

Graduates of Spirit Bridge Training Year 1, or equivalent training (shamanic practitioner, psychic, channel), are invited to apply to this online enhancement series. Monthly subjects related to personal healing are addressed, and once a month trainees have the opportunity to enhance skills for community members who send in heartfelt requests by email. The group journeys and tunes in to submitted requests and verbally share what came forth.  Hone your abilities while learning about elements helpful in tending and transmuting personal and ancestral trauma in Animist ways.   

Thank you for creating the space for me/us to PRACTICE….. I know that I wouldn’t be practicing on people without your encouragement and you hosting this training.

The opportunity to journey for others as a collective effort with talented, connected Spirit Bridges was awesome, and then to compare notes was so helpful. Also, the feedback from clients was a confidence builder.

Past participants

Our communities need more space holders and intuitive guides for those who are ready to heal personal and ancestral traumas and troubles. In these trainings you are guided to listen within for your own gifts, and Quynn is your human guide. All bodies and genders are welcome. Donation flexibility is available for those in need. If you feel called to this work, and you are ready to dive deeper, click on the “shop now” link above to read all details, and then follow instructions to apply.

Your trainer is Quynn Red Mountain, Spirit Bridge practitioner and founder of Web of Life Animists, who created these non-dogmatic trainings to empower Earth honoring people who are ready to be of service to their communities in authentic and legitimate ways.