ISA Performers share their Experiences

On Saturday, October 20th 7 people who participate in ISA shamanic circles decided to offer a second public performance, called “The Plasmic Portal” in Tucson, Arizona.  Each person felt called to participate, even if/when she/he was called to do something publicly that pushed their personal boundaries.  Each “performance” was a conscious enactment of an aspect of each performer’s personal shamanic practice.

One of the performances was channeled, written, enacted and narrated by Alyson Greene.  In preparation for her participation in the 2012 All Souls Procession Walk on November 4, she wrote of her performing, and enacting, experience in The Plasmic Portal. See her Blog Post.

After walking in the 2012 All Souls Procession Walk, Quynn Red Mountain felt called to share her experience of embodiment during her segment in “The Plasmic Portal”.  See her blog post here.

When another performer feels guided to share about her/his performance experience, they will post here. Thank you for your interest, and your support!

More photos of this invigorating experience can be found at

We will create another performance when we feel guided to do so. :)

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