ISA Rocks the 2013 Tucson Peace Fair

On Saturday, February 23, The Institute for the Shamanic Arts participated in the 2013 Tucson Peace Fair.  ISA had a healing arts booth where practitioners offered samples of readings and sessions for the Peace community.

For the first time, some drummers from ISA offered a drum journey for Unity Consciousness for the entire fair. ISA founder, Quynn Red Mountain, had the opportunity to speak to the audience for a few moments.  She shared that each of us has a birthright, a personal connection and relationship with our inner world, spirit guides, and that which is often called God and/or Spirit.   People were invited to participate by sharing their energy, rather than simply observe.

As the rhyhmers drummed and rattled, they could feel people observing…however, as they continued the consistent beats, more and more people came down to dance, and they began to give in to the rhythms. They closed their eyes, they swayed, their energy softened. We could feel it.  By the ‘end’, people weren’t ready to end. It continued for a while longer, people in Joy and Peace, smiling, and feeling connected to each other and the world around us all, and within each of us.

Rhythm Section participants: Elisabeth Black, Phil Cash Cash, Allen Smith, Kim Knebel, Dee Owl Woman, Alyson Greene and Quynn Red Mountain.  Thanks to the Peace Fair. See you next year.

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