It’s all about Visioning

That’s right shamanic friends!  There is so much visioning going on at Institute for Shamanic Arts.  Keep in mind that “vision” in the shamanic realm extends much further than just to see with your eyes.

One such example took place on Saturday, June 25 and Sunday, June 26 during the workshop called Council of Tribes-Expressing your Shamanic Character which was presented by Quynn.  During this workshop, participants had the opportunity to journey within and find a character that was calling out to them to be either honored or embodied.  Pieces were put together to create these characters and the end results were absolutely transforming and amazing, as you can tell from the picture above.  This workshop was popular and very well received.  Be on the lookout for more fun and very fulfilling workshops like this one, and please come join Quynn Elizabeth and ISA for such events.

ISA is also delighted to experience the revival of  Quynn’s weekly journey circle called Vision-Shamanic Journey Circle.  Several participants expressed gratitude and joy that there will now be a consistent weekly journey circle in which anyone can work on their own spiritual practice.  As one person said, “Just keep coming back!”  Keep in mind also that this sort of practice has much joy and reward to it.  We hope to see you at the next Vision-Shamanic Journey Circle on Sunday, at 11:00 a.m. (check Meetup calendar for details.)

Now, on the note of protecting your visioning, Jenni stepped right up to provide excellent tips and ideas on protection and boundaries.  As “sensitive” folks we need this kind of useful information. Thank you Jenni.

Using seer skills takes another sort of visioning.  Elisabeth Black used her intuition and empath skills to give feedback to questions that participants had.  It was like ISA’s own mini John Edward’s or Sylvia Brown medium show!

Dee, our own special Owl Woman, brought us information about the new moon in Cancer.  There was a lot of joyful energy, nurturing and love in this circle as we tapped into protection and feelings.

Those of us that were interested in love, peace, transforming fear and HUG really enjoyed Everett’s recent circle called Hug.  We got to tap into our child side and enjoy the freedom of interpersonal communion.

These are just some of the cool, fantastic, thrilling, authentic, shamanic, fun, community building, joy filled circles that all include VISIONING going on at Institute of Shamanic Arts.  We hope you will join us in experiencing them!

To find out more about what is going on at Institute for Shamanic Arts, please go to:

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