Every Tuesday evenings Elisabeth Black hosts a variety of circles (which during the time of Corona are all online) about spiritual aspects of her ministry. At least once a month she offers a training circle where she shares skill building options for those with abilities in Mediumship, Empathic Living, and Psychic Knowing.
After a recent circle about Mediumship she received an email from someone who is having experiences with Spirits in their home. The following is her response. Please note that the ideas that Elisabeth shares are from her evolving experience, not offered as Truth. Take what works, and leave the rest.
I’ve sensed someone in my house four or five times since we did the circle last week. Yesterday I smelled perfume strongly twice, so I assume it’s a woman. This morning I made coffee and went outside to watch the sunrise, with my back near the wall of the house, and there was a sudden noise where I was standing, like someone slammed the wall. What would you advise?
The experiences that you have been having are not uncommon when someone is a “Receiver”. It sounds like you are a Receiver.
Spirits of those that have passed are communicating all the time with us but most people aren’t receptive. Spirits look for someone that can notice them. They have varied reasons for doing this. Some “feel” like they are stuck here on this plane. Others want to complete something, tell someone something, or look out for their loved ones. Ignoring them doesn’t work. In fact, like all of us, kids, and pets- when we want attention, we increase the behavior.
What does work is deciding for yourself how do you want to respond to this.
Questions to ask yourself are:
1. Do you want to help these spirits?
2. Do you only want to help sometimes?
3. Do you want them to have help but not from you?
I know what we long for is peace in our homes but generally these spirits are looking for peace too. The next thing to implement after you have answered the questions is good ole’ boundaries. You are the medium (even if you aren’t calling yourself that), and you set some boundaries.
-I hear you there and you may let me know how I can help.
-I am turning you over to Archangel Michael or any other of the angels. Then ask the angel for assistance.-You may reach out to me when (fill in blank). (For me, it’s when I’m not working).
-You may go through my spirit allies and if they feel like I can assist you, I will do so.-I am not able to help you but my spirit guardians will.-I am not helping unless it is an extreme case that my guardians bring to my attention.
Clearing yourself and your house is always good energetic maintenance but I have found it doesn’t make them “go away” when you have abilities. They need help and they think you can help. Most of these spirits are not dark. So, begin to notice any fears you have and tell yourself it’s okay (taking care of your child self) and then become neutral as if you were doing a job. Think of doctors or nurses etc. They are faced with scary situations and they are in the space of doing their job. That’s what it is like for doing mediumship work.
As an Animist, I would say it is also a call to step up your relationships with any of your spirit allies, or to form them. They are great guardians, protectors, eyes in the dark, wise ones, teachers, loves, and friends. Ask them to show you what would be most beneficial for you with your mediumship skill.
I hope these ideas help. If any of them don’t resonate, please disregard them. They are from my experiences.
Elisabeth Black is an Animist Reiki Master, Seer, Teacher, Animist Minister and Fairy Godmother to Children and Inner Children. She offers Personal Sessions, Circles and Trainings. See our Calendar of EVENTS for what is offered soon.