Nature Journey in the Desert

The desert is a powerful place! Each step is important and the path is your own.

Nature lovers gathered for a Nature Walk and Shamanic Journey Circle on Saturday, January 18 in the Saguaro National Park West, outside of Tucson, AZ. Instead of “Follow the Leader” style walking, Quynn Red Mountain encouraged the participants to fan out and find their own path through the desert.  All moved in the same direction, but each person guided themselves, step by step, through the thorny plants and cactus.  Each had their own experience, and after a period of time, Quynn drummed for all to gather on a huge rock for a journey circle.  “Winter” is a fine time in the desert and humans looked like lizards warming themselves in the warm (instead of ‘scorching’ afternoon sun!  Lessons about Cholla thorns (ouch!) , Deer, Raven, and Feelings brought up in Nature were shared. A fine time was had by all!

You can join us on our next Nature Journey on Sunday, February 9 at 3:30pm.  See our Meetup group for more info.

Here is a short video that Quynn recorded as she started her Walking Meditation.

Nature Journey in the Desert

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