Me?! Now?! Time for ISAs Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training

Me?! Now?! Time for ISAs Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training

Hello Friends! Quynn here :)

On November 9th 2013 another Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training begins, and I have received some questions about the training, and “shamanic” practitioner training in general, so I thought I would offer my thoughts about the questions here.   If you are interested in this training series, and you have a question that is not answered here, and to register for this training, please contact me.    Blessings to all!

DSC01924Question:  Is this training only for people who feel called to be a “Shamanic” practitioner?

No. I realize that out of the many people who feel called to be a healing practitioner using varying modalities, there is only a small percentage who will end up being a shamanic practitioner.  However, what is important to me is that people learn to find the confidence to practice their own brew of healing modalities in the world. So, whatever your modalities of choice, this training will help you understand your abilities and offers opportunities to practice them in a safe environment.


Question: What is your definition of a “Shamanic” practitioner?

A shamanic practitioner is one who uses rhythmic trance induction to access their allies in the Spirit World for assistance, guidance, and needed direction to be taken with each client.  It can vary about how the practitioner does this, or how they feel/experience the connection with their guides, but the shamanic practitioner (or any other cultural word used for this type of practitioner) always consults their guides in the Spirit World for what is needed in that moment.  The resulting ‘action’ can include Soul Retrieval, Spirit Guide Retrieval, Clearing, Ancestral and Past Life Healing, Sacred Witnessing, Healing Soul Wounds, Extractions, Soul Activation, and Helping a Soul/Soul Part move on to where it needs to be.  My guides have shown me that each client has the power and ability to do their own healing work, with the guidance of a skilled practitioner.  This training offers participants the opportunity to utilize these tools of the shamanic practitioner for their own healing, and practice how they can be included in their healing practice.

Question: Does this training use a culturally specific form of shamanic practice?

NO. The ISA Practitioner Training creates the sacred container for each participant to access their own ancestors and guides who are from your personal lineage of Healers. If you feel called to be a practitioner, my tradition says that you have it in your genetic memory, and in your Soul.  In this training, you will be guided to ask within your Inner Tribe for answers and guidance.  I will not fill you with cultural versions of “how to” shamanize on you (including mine).  The ‘way’ that is revealed, is YOURS.   If you want to be ‘told’ exactly how to shamanize, this is not the training for you. There are many programs from varying traditions available.  For this training,  I ask that you trust yourself and your guides. You come from a wise and ancient lineage, even if you do not know its name.  The guide book is within you.  I provide a framework and the safe space to let it come to you.

Question:  How do I know if I am ready to begin this practitioner training?

You are ready if you feel excited (and maybe nervous too) about participating. The longer you wait, the longer that you have to wait to expand your healing abilities.  If you can attend 5 out of 6 sessions, the time is NOW!   Even, and especially, if you are nervous, sign up anyway.  You will be happy you did, and your guides will be happy. :)

Question:  I did this training once, is it always the same?

It is never the same.  Each session is catered to the people who are there.  For those who did the training once before, that time was different, you were different, and I was different.  This training is perfectly suited for first timers, and for those who are ready to take their practice even deeper.  Each session offers opportunities to practice your intuitive skills with others in the group, and from the community, and these are always unique experiences.

DSC04389Details about Training:
More description HERE

Dates for this series are:  6 Saturdays November 9 (2013), December 14, January 11 (2014), February 8, March 8 and April 12  10am-4:30pm.  Participation in all sessions is expected.

Location: Tucson, AZ  Downtown

Tuition for this 6 month/39 hour Shamanic Training Series can be paid in installments $50-$90 each session ($300-$540 sliding scale, depending on income, for entire series).
There is the possibility of a partial scholarship, so if you feel called to this training, yet the low end of the sliding scale is too much for you, contact Quynn. 

(This course does not ‘certify’ anyone to be a ‘shamanic healer’, as there is no such certification at this time.)

“Quynn Red Mountain is a totally unique and powerful group facilitator. She is able to allow others to have their process within her circles. She is humble in that she does not take all the time spouting her beliefs and ideas. She allows for diversity in the circle for some of the most basic and passionate beliefs people have (those about spirituality) and makes a way for everyone to contribute and work together for mutual growth and insight on profound and deep levels.”

Quotes from past training participants:
“The Shamanic Training series helped me to string together the pieces in my life that I now better perceive as Gifts, and provided the space to explore them.  Due to this series I feel more confident in my ability to connect with my Spirit Guides and am ambitious to continue exploring the lessons that the Spirits hold for me.”

“Quynn’s Shamanic Practitioner workshop series has expanded my repertoire for my healing practice and helped me feel more comfortable using the shamanic techniques I have learned.  It also helped me to realize how at home I feel incorporating shamana into my life’s work.”

“I am grateful for this course as it has helped me to build confidence.  Being in this space is a relief because it is a place where I feel I can express the “unknown” without prejudice and judgment, and that is refreshing.”

“I loved all of the stages of this program and the transformation that we all experienced.  Every time we gathered for another day of journeying and sharing, it seemed like it was an orchestra of Spirits shaping and shifting our energies, putting us through powerful initiations.”

“I would recommend an ISA training to anyone seeking to develop their shamanic arts.  We all have gifts or talents in this area and Quynn is so adept at helping us to realize this.  The sessions gave us many opportunities to practice and develop our skills.  Quynn facilitates sessions that are respectful, safe and supportive of all participants.  They are quite affordable and so worthwhile.”

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